[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

My favorite one:

Allow Them To Grow Older And More Disillusioned

Letting the world wring the idealism from them should make it easier for Gen Z to stomach a man who, in any other context but an American presidential election, is an unrepentant monster

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

Hamas tunnels in their aorta

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's only logically moot specifically because there's only two options.

This is also not true, which is why i said your idea of what voting itself is reductive. There are of course more than two options this and every election.

Allowing your mind to bend to their narrative, believing that voting is a binary choice is one way their democracy-destroying little game works.

If voting were only two choices, i wouldn't vote at all as you seem to suspect. but it isn't. i will in fact be participating as i have done for 30 years. Just not gonna do it the way you'd like, an imaginary binary election. Before you say it, there is also no such thing as throwing a vote away.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Even if Trump and Biden are "essentially the same" with regard to genocide, you can treat that as a logically moot issue.

This is where we disagree. I can not use moral relativism when a party engages in genocide. Further, i don't agree that voting for Biden is, as many pro Biden folk argue, a repudiation of Trump.

A vote for Biden (or any representative for that matter), to me, is an implicit acknowlegement i agree with his leadership. An approval and statement that he represents my beliefs and shares, a little, my values.

There is no such thing, in my mind, as negative voting (voting against a candidate). This is not how it works, not how i will not be coerced into thinking it works.

A vote for a representative is a positive action. I will not play a game of "what if the boogeyman tho!?" with a party shown time and again to be against my best interest, to ignore my very life in favor of the pocketbooks of donors...

Now, they ask me to help them stop the boogeyman as they simultaneously stand aside while he strips my right to protest, my right to privacy, rip families apart, refuse my brothers and sisters right to live, and kill tens of thousands.

Voting as you imagine it is nothing but reductive. Worse, venal. Finally, to consider genocide as "logically moot" is not logical. It's fucking gross, and i feel absolutely sorry for you that you've come to this conclusion.

I can only hope you put more thought into this immediately

[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

So we're eating leviathon reproductive organs? Sexy

[-] [email protected] 15 points 3 months ago

"not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians."

Killing. Killing aid workers and civilians. Good Christ is libspeak fucking nauseating

[-] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago

"Hey, it's been about a year, and I'm totally not fucking jobless for about a year and a half, and that I've totally not wasted my time on contributing to open-source projects, and that I've absolutely not gone insane by sitting inside my room all alone, trying to work on side projects, which are still incomplete? Hahahaha, no I'm not weird."

Don't listen to me if i am off base, but it sounds to me like you have a chance to talk with someone you have made a real connection to in this fucked up world and did not simply from shame. What have you done to be ashamed about?

I feel like maybe you're feeling bad for not measuring up to some standard you have set for yourself, yet your passion projects show me you have been busy doing something you feel is important.

Where is the wasted time? What exactly is it you feel you must have completed in this time to have it notbe a waste?

I don't believe in the wasting of time, and i firmly dismiss the idea that you are what you do for a living, especially in this time and age where many jobs have had most of what makes them fulfilling stripped away from them.

You, in the meantime have found a way towards food and shelter while working on something that matters to you, and you're keeping sane in an insane fucking world. Im not blowing smoke when i tell you to be proud of this. I envy you. Be proud of the choices you have made. You made them. Do not balk just because you believe the world will judge you. You haven't even given your friend a chance!

We're all going crazy my brother, and we need other people more than ever.

So listen up mister. You call him back right now.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Maaan i wish there was some more info on what the white house 'believes' is expensive, cuz whether this policy could be amazing or useless depends entirely upon that question mark

[-] [email protected] 12 points 8 months ago

He's right. We should be working waaaaay less

[-] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

...doesn't mean MS isnt a blood sucking monster.

Bill Gates hatred of mosquitos finally clicked for me. He's getting rid of the competition!

[-] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

So they're using the parliamentarian defense again eh? I didn't buy it then and it won't fly now

[-] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago

There is no morality in the purchasing of goods. I will pirate everything, always, for as long as i can

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