True, compliance can be helpful to pressure vendors into doing what they should have been doing in the first place.
Generic artist name is generic? Literally would be more memorable if he used his actual name.
To be fair encryption at rest is one of those checkbox requirements that - in the absence of checks how it is implemented - is just implemented as a key next to the file that is encrypted.
You mean the Venn diagram between poor ideas and ideas originating from marketing?
Of course not, it is about the employer's right to take your work whenever they want for whatever compensation they deem acceptable.
You still need hardware significantly more complex than would be otherwise needed for a device for which USB 2.0 speeds were already much more than required.
Must be that freedom car-centric societies apparently offer according to drivers.
Honestly, I would just get rid of copyright completely. The right to copy data makes no sense in a modern context. Replace it with rights related to allowed uses of data to be determined by the people who produce the data and the people the data is about.
What is really unnecessary is to have the ability to transfer 20GB/s from your mouse or keyboard.
No, it just forces publishers to not include a useless season pass in the pre-order.
This doesn't enforce day-1 DLC, just enforces the inclusion of something if you want to sell day-1 season passes. I don't see how that is a bad thing when compared to day-1 completely useless season passes.
What kind of devices do you have in mind that use cards but are neither of those?