why would I want fake pictures of something that never happened?
Seems to be a popular part of tourism in the age of Instagram.
why would I want fake pictures of something that never happened?
Seems to be a popular part of tourism in the age of Instagram.
Plus they are so generic that 99% of people you show them to will have forgotten them a second after the photo leaves their field of vision.
Personally I would be more disturbed if he offered and delivered real photos but never had showed up at the wedding (to my knowledge as the client).
Could certainly do it with something like InvokeAI.
Oh, don't get me wrong. Aldi's owners still very much got rich off it (they are among the richest people in Germany) so they are not great in that respect either.
They got killed by making it inconvenient to use legally purchased media by adding unskippable trailers, copy protection, things like the Sony rootkit,... and also empty boxes on the shelves with the actual media hidden behind the counter.
Making life harder for people trying to buy your product is never a good idea.
Ask the physical movie and music industries how well that worked out for them.
we have an Aldi (along with 5 other cheaper groceries) and it’s never as busy as the expensive stores.
That might also be related to the fact that Aldi tries to be very efficient with its operation so they might handle more customers but those customers aren't stuck in the store as long.
Similarly, stop saying "x is worth ... dollars" or "x earns .... dollars" when talking about rich people.
And the mere concept that it might not be two homogeneous groups that are either all good or all bad would probably blow their minds completely.
And advertising garbage visible from down here (not up in space but damn near anywhere else)?
Personally I would go so far as to ban links to any social media site that requires a login to even view the content linked.
But yes, banning Twitter links has plenty of other good reasons for it too.