Well I guess that'll teach me to try to have a rational and respectful discussion with a random stranger on the internet.
Calm down, smoke a bowl, read books on critical thinking and question the narrative even when if fits your worldview.
Well I guess that'll teach me to try to have a rational and respectful discussion with a random stranger on the internet.
Calm down, smoke a bowl, read books on critical thinking and question the narrative even when if fits your worldview.
I like the example you chose because the facts reported support what I'm saying: eventually, if cops get too comfy planting evidence everywhere, someone down the line is going to notice and the judge will dismiss the case.
High-profile case also means more scrutiny from everyone, which means there's a bigger risk someone finds out what they did.
It's about the way it's phrased. If you imply that the cause of their incompetence is the fact that they are Indian, well yeah that's racist.
According to Republicans, he wasn't incompetent enough to run a federal agency.
I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure about half of this 0.1% are women. The ultra rich aren't single and they have kids.
I agree with you that gender discrimination is one of the many ways to divide the people, but I don't see how healing the gender divide will end the growing wealth inequality.
Also : what does the government plan to do with all this new tax money?
The way I see this, they are stopping the proceedings so Trump's AG won't be able to end them officially, so they might be able to resume in four years.
The divide and conquer strategy of the ruling class will work as long as the oppressed are kept busy focussing on their differences.