I don’t know what your point is about these videos but time zones most certainly do not only differ by full hours. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/time-zones-interesting.html
One of the most hateful snowflakes I know is a former pro hockey player. Maybe hit in the head too many times?
Definitely this. I can’t speak to every manufacturer but I know with Ford I have their roadside assistance for the length of my warranty.
My Comcast is $78 for their highest tier channel lineup and DVR with no premium channels.
Maybe trying to better understand or keep tabs on the enemy? ‘Enemy’ may be an imperfect word to describe such people but I also don’t think it’s necessarily wrong.
Not to kill your joke but women do sit to pee as well.
Quite the opposite really.
Also an odd statement from a company that just strong armed a bunch of communities into either conforming or having their leaders replaced.
The biggest push I recall was part of One Laptop Per Child which was much longer ago. https://www.networkworld.com/article/2284035/coming-to-a-watering-hole-near-you--olpc-s-mesh-networking.html
Half/most/all Chinese mini PCs on Amazon use this method. Yes, it works.
That and somehow Trump is still a likely candidate. Still can’t wrap my head around that. Can they not find someone who isn’t anthropomorphized piece of shit?
I said I’ve no clue what you’re arguing about. I only know the statement about time zones is incorrect.