[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Lack of rate limiting is a code vulnerability if we are talking about an API endpoint.

Not that discussion makes any sense at all...

Also, "not securing" doesn't mean much. Security is not a boolean. They probably have some controls, but they still have a gap in the lack of rate limiting.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

There are almost 30 different countries in Europe. They also have quite different cultures and policies around immigration (for example).

Who are you talking about, specifically?

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Someone else in the thread has posted an article. They married in 2011, she completed highschool in 2007. She must have been 21-22 when she married. Not really a child (but also nothing tells us she is in for the money, obviously!).


https://prospect.org/politics/how-republican-rep-john-rose-found-his-wife/ The article above reports she is from 1989, apparently.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Public financing of the press, newspapers stopping being garbage and selling subscriptions like they have always done, pay per article (cents), donations. Just some ideas of economically viable alternatives. There are good niche newspapers which survive with such models, it's not like I am making it up.

I would say the opposite: advertising alone is not sustainable for the press because it creates wrong incentives (grab attention, clicks). This is why 90% of newspapers have the same garbage, short, generic articles. This is why you get rage baits, fake news etc. too, to some extent. So yes, you get websites online, but you get no information...

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

It is not obvious, most likely not necessary and in any case completely unproven. Why are you so busy making stuff up in this thread?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

I worked for an online casino in the past. What they do is a standard in the industry. The company I worked for was a small startup and onwed hundreds of domains, mostly just to protect the brand, 98% of which redirected to the main domain, with a few serving slightly different sites for different jurisdictions (e.g. Ontario regulations require that everything happens under a .ca domain). The "blocking evasion" doesn't require CF to do anything, besides forcing the customer to block traffic from certain countries (the ones where you are suspected to evade the block). At this point - if the casino is really operating in the black or gray markets - they can just set ingress to their site outside CF for those countries only if they really wanted. I worked also for a company who was doing this to allow traffic from Russia, changing every day mirrors (and they had an IT department of maybe 20, it was a joke), and Russia was the main market for them.

If what is told in the article is true - I.e. 95% of the traffic was through the main website - then it doesn't look like they were really doing this sort of evading deliberately, considering that in that 5% you have all your alternative TLDs plus the traffic from gray/black markets. Having hundreds of domains and some small percentage of traffic from black markets is something that just happens, it's different from continuously registering new domains for providing access where the previous ones got DNS blocked (this is domain block). It doesn't seem this is what they were doing based on the article, and if they were, then CF emails didn't mention it, which is insane.

Obviously we don't know the full story, so everything has to he taken with a grain of salt.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago

It does require fact-checking. You might ask a human and get someone with 10 fingers on one hand, you might ask people in the background and get blobs merged on each other. The fact check in images is absolutely necessary and consists of verifying that the generate image adheres to your prompt and that the objects in it match their intended real counterparts.

I do agree that it's a different type of fact checking, but that's because an image is not inherently correct or wrong, it only is if compared to your prompt and (where applicable) to reality.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

Soil consumption is one of the many environmental problems we face. Polluting and consuming more soil to condition the market is nonsense IMHO. Governments should simply regulate more so that people vacationing will go to hotels and houses will be available for residents. This also addresses the issue of locals being pushed further and further away in the cities they live, which creating more houses doesn't solve (it will just be the next round of isolated dormitory periferic areas, which have already tons of problems).

Short term rentals for houses was a very good and lucrative idea, but it's harmful to basically everyone but the landlords who rent out houses there. As such, we should simply strongly regulate it to discourage it as much as possible, if not banning it directly.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

How do you imagine a recovery email to work, if the provider doesn't store it, and you lost access to your email by definition in the moment you need it? Recovery email is not needed, you can totally use your account without and proton doesn't ask for it. It's a feature where you obviously are disclosing that piece of information and link two accounts. It's either that or not using that feature.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

I discovered not too long ago that Bitwarden has the same integration! https://bitwarden.com/blog/add-privacy-and-security-using-email-aliases-with-bitwarden/

You need to configure it on each device though, and you need to generate an API key first.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 3 months ago

I did not find any source about her being banned from Germany, I only saw some controversy about some tweets that some people call holocaust denial.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 3 months ago

I think the general idea is discovery. At the moment if you want to look for a project you go to github and search. If you go to my gitea instance you find only my 10 projects. With federation I could search my own gitea instance and find/easily clone repos from all the federate instances. To me it seems a gamechanger in making codeberg/gitea and also gitlab real competitors to github.

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