[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

That's a great anecdote really. I think I tried exactly to play the angle of the human experience being very diverse. It obviously didn't work out. The story you tell is definitely one that shows different perspective in a relationship between people of different ages. There are also "famous couples" where the age difference is large (I wanted to discuss one where a female director is marrier to a 23 years younger actor, and they met on set when he was 18 - just to have one more scenario to discuss). Most importantly, I bet many people would have different answer to the question "what is the maximum age do you think a 18yo person should date", and probably this answer would change if talking about a man or a woman being 18yo. I think it's an interesting conversation questioning why you think a certain answer is the right one.

Now, I understand that people who want progress want to normalize discussions about phenomena that years ago wouldn't be acknowledged as much, like predatory behavior. However if the approach is purely dogmatic it is not a progress at all. Many people use a completely binary approach to define things that are much more complicated and nuanced. And as you say, this is then enforced via moderation, which further reinforces this dogmatic perspective for people who are forming an opinion.

Sorry for the long comment, but thanks a lot for the contribution. It was a nice reality check about the fact that it is an interesting topic to discuss with many nuances!

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I am a security professional. I would personally not care less to make the distinction, as both are very generic terms that are used very liberally in the industry.

So I don't see any reason not to call this hacking. This was not an intended feature. It was a gap, which has been used to perform things that the application writer did not intended (not in this form). If fits with the definition of hacking as far as I can tell. In any case, this is not an academic discussion, it is a security advisory or an article that talks about it.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

Lack of rate limiting is a code vulnerability if we are talking about an API endpoint.

Not that discussion makes any sense at all...

Also, "not securing" doesn't mean much. Security is not a boolean. They probably have some controls, but they still have a gap in the lack of rate limiting.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I do not necessarily think this is something that can be solved, and I do believe that mods are generally in good faith doing free labor. That said, I experienced similar cases just recently. Once, I got in an argument about the pope slur thing, and I was trying to explain that the slur was the least of the problems (being Italian, providing context), and not the reason to call out the church's and pope homophobia (for which much stronger arguments exist). One other commenter was basically wishing death left and right, including to me, because they perceived this argument as a defense of the pope. Ultimately they reported my comment that quoted the slurs to explain the difference between various words and I got banned for "missing the point/defending a homophobe". Apparently, wishing death to people was an acceptable behavior, questioning the severity of a word in a language I understand was not.

Just yesterday, I was discussing the post about some republican politician being in a relationship with a much younger person. I was in good faith entertaining a conversation about relationships with big age differences, but apparently the only acceptable opinion is that in those cases the older person must be a predator - no exceptions and no other possibilities allowed. For me it is almost a philosophical debate (especially because I was questioning my own morals), as it's obvious that the age we would consider "too old" is essentially arbitrary, but no, got first moderated and then banned for "defending predators".

Basically what I noticed here is that a lot of moderation goes into moderating opinions, and not behaviors. I understand that a lot of it is done with good motives, but it feels frustrating that it's impossible to even discuss certain topics among adults. There are a lot topics for which only rigid opinions are allowed and any discussion that questions any part of that is forbidden. Not really an environment for productive debates, which is unfortunate.

I ended up blocking both communities where the above cases happened, so I guess ultimately the risk that you are mentioning is real. It did take away a lot of my desire to participate on Lemmy at some point.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

I don't know, that's my point. I guess I would consider what is generally the law, plus if I had to pass jusgement I would want to know more on a case-by-case basis.

I suppose there are cases where 20-25 is already a huge age gap that I would consider creepy. People are wildly different.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

There are almost 30 different countries in Europe. They also have quite different cultures and policies around immigration (for example).

Who are you talking about, specifically?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Someone else in the thread has posted an article. They married in 2011, she completed highschool in 2007. She must have been 21-22 when she married. Not really a child (but also nothing tells us she is in for the money, obviously!).


https://prospect.org/politics/how-republican-rep-john-rose-found-his-wife/ The article above reports she is from 1989, apparently.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Over nextcloud probably the e2ee. I suppose soon they will also integrate this better with email (like you can attach directly and save directly from email), so the seamless integrations with the rest of the products will probably amount to other benefits over time.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Until I can easily export the data, where is the vendor lock?

Vendor lock means that migrating away has significant cost or technical challenges.

Take this case: documents saved are first of all easily downloadable from drive (in bulk), and also exportable in markdown.

They change pricing/add features that I don't want/sell off the company (hard now that it's managed by a nonprofit but still) etc.? I make a nice bulk download and move everything in whatever other system I want. I can do the same for contacts, email (I use my own domains) and calendar. Basically, 1h + the time to download files and I am moved to another provider.

Can you elaborate in what you think the vendor lock looks like?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Now this guy could be the worst person on Earth, but we really don't know that based on one photo from what is clearly a staged photoshoot (not even a candid shot).

I understand wanting to make a point, but this whole thread to be honest looks exactly to me like the flipside of people salivating against drag shows or stuff like that: hard stances based on no information. One picture and it's already certain he is a groomer, she is not happy etc.? Yes, there is a big age difference, but this doesn't mean anything per se.

I am honestly very surprised to see people acting with such confidence over something they objectively know so little about.

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