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[–] stormdelay 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It is absolutely pilotable, but it generally doesn't make sense economically to do so: most of the cost of electricity production is fixed regardless of the output.

EDF says they are able to make their reactors go up or down by 80% in 30 minutes, it's not as good as hydro or gas but it's certainly something

[–] stormdelay 3 points 2 days ago

Radioactive waste is obviously dangerous (though to varying degrees, most of it, by volume, is very weakly contaminated if at all), but so are all the chemical wastes from processing ores etc, and for some reason we don't talk about keeping these secured for as long as they're dangerous (and unlike radioactive waste, they don't necessarily become less dangerous over time). And the volume of chemical waste is way higher.

[–] stormdelay 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

Thinking about nuclear waste is good, but in the same process, you should also think about the environmental damage necessary to produce solar panels. A rarely depicted advantage of nuclear is the relative small amount of material needed to produce that amount of power (including the building of the power plant), and that has huge consequences for pollution upstream, and therefore, safety.

Edit: to be clear, I am not against solar panels in any way, but we should be sure to include all the relevant measurements for all technologies

[–] stormdelay 7 points 2 weeks ago

It's ambiguously phrased, but I think they mean that the internet and the shooter hate the ceo the same amount

[–] stormdelay 5 points 1 month ago

Even without considering cheese villages (somebody mentioned Roquefort, I was thinking of Gruyere, France clocking in at about 100 inhabitants), I believe Verdun would be just as known and is smaller at a population of around 17000.

[–] stormdelay 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I have to concur with my countryman, there's something weird about the texture of the crust, it looks very soft I think? Here's a picture of what I would consider a normal looking baguette (some people will like it baked more, with harder, browner crust, others will like it "whiter")

Best of luck on your journey to the perfect baguette!

[–] stormdelay 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sorry for only answering now, I don't check Lemmy super often, here you go: la depeche, le monde

[–] stormdelay 14 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Just fyi, the hand being cut off is fake news, and none of the victims have their life in danger

[–] stormdelay 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Écoute, si pour toi un couvent, lieu privé, et une équipe de sport nationale, c'est la même chose, je pense qu'en terme de raconter n'importe quoi, j'ai encore du chemin à faire. Tu ne sembles pas vouloir discuter donc je te propose d'en rester là, bonne journée à toi et bon courage dans tes combats

[–] stormdelay 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Encore une fois, je ne défend ni cette contrainte vestimentaire, ni les gens qui la défendent, et encore moins l'appareil médiatique qui cherche à créer ces conflits.

Un couvent, c'est un lieu privé, ça n'est évidemment pas l'équivalent d'une équipe de sport nationale, je comprends pas que tu essayes de faire passer ça pour la même situation. Ce serait l'équivalent de vouloir interdire aux gens de porter des hijab chez eux, à priori c'est pas ça dont on parle si ?

[–] stormdelay 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Ok, et quel est le rapport avec la tenue vestimentaire de la sélection olympique ? Je ne pense pas avoir vu qui que ce soit défendre les cathos dans cette discussion, ou n'importe quelle autre religion d'ailleurs

[–] stormdelay 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Ok, mais encore une fois, c'est quoi le rapport avec la tenue vestimentaire de la sélection olympique ? Je ne crois pas que qui que ce soit défende le catholicisme (ou tout autre religion) dans ce fil de discussion


After having not played for about 10 years, I went and did a few runs of my old reliable, gargoyle fighter, with a couple runs going to 5 runes before my discipline failed them. What are some fun new combos to try out? I used to enjoy high elves sword&sorcery but I see that this race is gone, anything that would fill that kind of fantasy?

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