But who hurt elon?
Nah, I am not talking about hackernews buzz. I just thought it is dying couple of years ago.
Typical Langlands sh
Does this mean they could feasibly move to vulkan-based ML with monopoly protected by their own extensions?
I am also dumbass while having moderately high iq score. What a joke that is "IQ"..
Is haskell still alive?
Do you know which formatters you installed? Does the LSP have a formatting capability?
IIRC some extensions simply "guess" indentations, and some formatters format the file on save. That might be what's happening here.
Welp, I want to learn automorphic forms but they seem to involve quite a hard analysis..
I see, yeah it didn't feel like linux would be popular enough to be on the radar.
Noticed the same thing, how can one be concerned about the plastic straws but not the cups? I almost thought that was the joke.
Oh I am the exact same! I cannot even talk to women I know. Tbh, it feels like many people implicitly thinks I am a creep. So sad that I likely cannot escape this fate..
Curious, don't most people dislike graphs? It may remind them of math.