To heck with you for your stupid opinion, everyone is obviously always positive here
Was wild logging in this morning to see it and thinking "yep this is going to be a hit" and coming back to see the highest voted Lemmy post ever
I assume one side is going to be clan, though.
King for the IS should be a BattleMaster, just for the name
Glad another Marxist said it. The problem isn't that capitalism was always the wrong choice, it's that we're clinging to it long beyond its best before date.
Are these systems able to recognize when they don't know something, or when to contact a human? All the focused learning base in the world won't help if the machine still confabulates answers, and so far afaik that's a flaw with all the models.
Not very top secret now then are they
I'll give you a counterpoint, much as I also don't care.
Usually a story like this would be incredibly sad. Similar stories about refugee ships sinking are awful and heartbreaking.
Most of this story is about rich people who signed up to do a phenomenally stupid thing with an incredibly, comically terrible person in charge. It's actually more funny than tragic, and so people are able to read the story without feeling terrible after.
Caveat: I feel awful for this kid. Only sympathetic character I've seen so far.
The only person in the sub I feel much of anything for. Poor kid.
I'm sure they will absolutely abide by the judge's ruling and this is the last we'll hear of it.
New Comments is also good.
Indeed, but we did vote strongly in favour of defederating exploding heads and I'm still seeing their alt-right garbage in my feed. I don't have a lot more patience for people who clutch their pearls and wonder if it's okay to infringe on the free speech rights of fascists than I do for the fascists themselves.