I love Tracy K. Smith. A beloved family pet died at 14 a few months ago and her book Life On Mars got me through it.
edit: also the title here is a 10/10 2001 reference
I love Tracy K. Smith. A beloved family pet died at 14 a few months ago and her book Life On Mars got me through it.
edit: also the title here is a 10/10 2001 reference
The fact that this is the most-reported item about D4 that I've seen is kind of blowing my mind. Blizz was never not going to make D4 online-only, but the fact that in 12 years they haven't sorted this out is astonishing to me
deliberately walling off your product from anyone without an uninterrupted connection, and then failing to actually guarantee a connection to those who pony up.
I guess the lure of multiplayer brings in enough paying customers that it's not a dealbreaker for Blizz, but I don't know why I'd play it when Grim Dawn (hell, and D2 Resurrected) exist.
WHY are vulnerable people joining a decentralized system?
For the same reason wheelchair users leave the house after dark
Anyway, "public" doesn't mean "hate speech friendly."
I happened to just be reading about Boltgun earlier today! I'll definitely have that one and Trepang2 bookmarked for sales.
Staying out of the name fray, but must say that I just finally played Dusk and by god it's great
Li-Young Lee is a fascinating poet; what a heritage. Thank you for posting this!
Yeah, it's not to say that he didn't violate ToS
more that a user like Violentacrez had to go down like the Hindenburg for their account to be removed while the funny trivia guy is permabanned for vote manipulation. Just saying that reddit isn't authoritarian, they're corporate; they hide their ugly niches and collect revenue from them until they become unprofitable.
We're conditioned to invest, both financially and emotionally, not only in what a game is right now, but what it will be in a year. We cling to roadmaps like lifeboats and wield Reddit threads as weapons of sentiment for or against the developers we've hitched our wagons to. It's a fuzzy parasocial relationship that only gets less healthy the more money is wrapped up in it. I'm sick of games that glare at me with dollar signs in their eyes from the moment I press play.
This review heated up fast
It has a very interesting context! When Yi Lei published this, it was still illegal in China for unmarried couples to live together. That and its acknowledgment (!) of female sexuality made it kind of a scandal in 1987.
It's also a long-ass poem, and as it proceeds Yi Lei says it becomes less literally about its subject's desire for intimacy and cohabitation than a criticism of the laws that prohibit them.
Read in that light, it feels like a pretty daring thing to print as a Chinese citizen generally, and a Chinese woman specifically. I imagine it spoke to her national status as a poet that she was able to get away with it, similar to Ai Wei Wei.
Yeah! I think Omeros hit my radar right after War Music by Christopher Logue. I was interested in "alternative" translations/variations, and though Omeros is an original piece it folds so much Homer into modern language that it caught my eye. My part of the US has a huge Caribbean community as well, so I was interested in Walcott as a St. Lucian writer, too.