My impression is that Sega's always been pretty chill & receptive to interest in respectful revivals of classic IP.
It's been nice to watch a large company respond to that interest with more accessibility, and not less (Nintendo).
The obvious fix would be to deny student loans this special treatment.
The student loan industry is built on this exception, so eliminating it will be a big mountain to climb
Out of curiosity, do you happen to know what the current favorite is?
Of course not, reddit doesn't have a product without its mods. The site itself provides no service or value, precisely because of its user anonymity. I don't share anything personal on it; you use reddit for its framework, nothing more.
The value is its aggregate, human-generated information. It's like a shitty Library of Alexandria, and it's meaningless without mods who (mostly) ensure that only (mostly) verifiable humans are adding to the archive.
Without mods, or with AI mods, reddit is no more trustworthy than Amazon's reviews. It becomes Dead Internet Theory manifest. Why the fuck would I visit a site like that?
The majority, yeah. Users didn't go to third party apps out of spite toward reddit; I doubt too many will have hung around this long in the spirit of some symbolic D-day to stick it to spez.
The AI facsimile of Impact is sending me
3 plays great on my PC. I made the mistake of playing 5 first, so I found the graphics & mechanics a little underwhelming (I thought 5 looked pretty great). But the game is good; the villain seems to be the series' fan favorite.
4 might is the sweet spot between 3's gameplay and 5's graphics. 5 is gorgeous, but it's gameplay is a tad more kid-friendly than 3 and 4. And I love 4's James Bond villain.