This is just sickening! I'm not sure if I want to vomit or rage.
Noch Kinder in die Welt setzen. Damit die Zukunfts Sorgen fünf Mal schwerer im Magen liegen. Und der frisch geputzte Boden keine 5 Minuten sauber bleibt.
Yeah I know those. There are several guys doing these videos, but I'm rarely watching them. I think "primitive skills" was the one I liked most , but not sure. During the pandemic I actually built a mud oven in my garden for pizza, as I don't own any oven.
Seems like humans are unable to learn without consequences. Scientists tell us not to touch the stove, that it is hot. Looks like we need to touch the stove to learn this lesson.
Wow, this blew me off my feet! Incredible! Thank you for posting this here, now I've got some new sound for my neighbors to believe I've lost my sanity!
Ich warte ja darauf, dass die Skala mal erweitert wird. Bei Covid wurde zunächst lila, glaube ich, erweitert, als die Skala nicht mehr langte. Später waren aber irgendwie alle Erweiterungen zwischen lila und dunkel lila, das fand ich nicht sehr leserlich.
This looks scary to my layman's eye.
Yes, Mother Earth, fuck me harder!
I'm not op, but just spend an hour on wiki again.
For me it usually just happens randomly. Today it was because watching news which included the start of the last Ariane 5. I was mainly interested, how much "fuel" (propellant) is used and the relation between launch weight and payload weight. I quickly got distracted by rocket engines and read here and there.
Then I am currently reading a book about WW2 u boats, so I've read the Wikipedia regarding that specific type of U-boat, the torpedos, the torpedo calculation computer, the lives of several commanders, ...
Recently my kid played with clay, so I got to read a little about the process of firing clay, basically wanting to know if I can diy it.
Normally the things I want to know more about just fly in by themselves.
It's in the settings > general, for me at least. Both post sorting and comment sorting.
You might need to update, there was an update yesterday or two days ago or so.
Das dauert noch bis 1.4.24. Hol dir doch bis dahin einfach so einen Sticker "keine Werbung". Klar, hilft nicht bei allen Zustellern, aber eigentlich darf dann keine Werbung mehr eingeworfen werden.
Look up "bureau 39". They have installed a nice cash flow institute, that goes around the sanctions.