Such freedom.
Reddit is Fun.
Unfortunately I don't think anything like this exists in the game yet. Looks like they will be introducing the 'Scroll of Amnesia" as a seasonal item to reset your character, but that reads like a one way one time thing.
Agreed. Bluetooth wasn't great at first but has been fine for years now.
Only level 64 but this accurately describes the bear druid experience. With any luck you get the shockwave aspect early but I didn't until mid forties. Once you get it together though it kicks ass.
Same energy as the way North Korea worships their dear leader.
I played some D2R when it first came out and I really enjoyed it but just fell off for no particular reason. Good to hear they are doing things like that despite what some of the purists might say.
I don't really see where it's an exact copy of Diablo 3 since it's vastly different in class design and world design. It sounds like you just want a clone of Diablo 2 which I don't think would be as accessible to most players. Diablo 4 isn't perfect by any means but no, I am not disappointed with it.
Did you happen to play through the campaign? Just curious because some of your story concerns ...well it's hard to say without spoilers but let's just say Blizzard has already mentioned they are working on a couple of expansions. And we also know there is a whole other continent to explore.
I am definitely more on the casual player but have been pleasantly surprised with the amount of endgame content the game has launched with - it's certainly more than either 2 or 3 did. But I understand there are concerns about the grind from 70-100. I think it's off to a good start thought and it will be interesting to see how it develops over the years. D3 today is not the one that launched at all.
I switch between swiping and typing. It works pretty well most of the time.
Longcat is longgg.
Monopolies are generally bad but Microsoft does seem to be doing a decent enough job with all the other studios they have scooped up. If we can get Bobby Kotick out of the picture seems like a win to me.
Edge is fine for the most part. I prefer FireFox on my personal devices but Edge does the job for Enterprise pretty well.