Ran across this a few weeks back and boy howdy it explained some things…
Ran across this a few weeks back and boy howdy it explained some things…
Hanson is already weeping about this.
I kinda want to go read the old Singularity fic and enjoy any Zeerust that pops up.
Everything Maxis did is remake worthy.
Someone else played simcopter?
This came across the dash and well…
I was party to an attempt at negging. I didn’t recognize it for what it was until she got angry with me afterwards.
Thats about as nonspecific as I can get I think. I saw it and got yelled at because of it.
I can’t tell the trans story without basically doxxing myself. I’m dying inside.
Yep, thats a mortar shell.
Should have ended on ‘when the man comes around’.
Bonus Jim Jones reference too. But what the fuck was the chatbot stuff about domestic abuse or putting a dog down - thats Black Mirror* tier nightmare shit. Thats a fuck no from me.
*shout out to piggate.
I doubt you had to do square dancing lessons in school over there but apparently that was a RW thing too.