Absolutely, I shouldn't have used cheap as a synonym for bad, or vice versa, that's my mistake.
There are a lot of very good wines at low price points, especially from underappreciated regions. A little experimentation will result in finding some great value.
The same goes for the whiskey. There are a lot of distilleries out there with great offerings far below the price of the big names everyone recognizes. Especially when you take fads into account. Many bourbons and Japanese whiskeys that used to be good buys are now ridiculously priced.
Holding one of three branches is not "in power."
All spending bills have to originate in the republican controlled house. Anything the administration tries to do on it's own has to survive a heavily politicized Supreme Court. A Supreme Court that would be radically different without the Trump presidency. We'll be dealing with those Trump appointees for a generation and they'll do far more harm than he ever did. Not enough people voting blue in 2016 is going to have very long lasting consequences.