
joined 6 days ago
[–] rofilm 1 points 1 day ago

Enjoy the book. There´s a volume 2 to come - probably in 2026 - with a lot of practical examples and VST applications. Cheers, Rolf

[–] rofilm 1 points 1 day ago

You´re most welcome! Enjoy the material! Cheers, Rolf

Granular Sound Tweaking (

I´m giving away my comprehensive e-book about sonic grains and granular sound processing for free. You can download it here: Cheers and peace! Rolf

ARP 2500 - It´s Magic (

If you are on this vintage hipe - like me, here´s a video I made some time ago about the ARP 2500 and about 2 software emulations and about 1 hardware version in Eurorack Format. The video is a comprehensive one (more than 1 hour): Cheers and peace! Rolf


For all who are on that vintage hipe (like me), here is a one hour video about this iconic machine. I made this video quite sometime ago - but the ARP 2500 doesn´t change any more, does it? :-)

[–] rofilm 2 points 2 days ago

I don´t know if you are interested in using granular techniques, working with sonic grains etc. In case that you are, here is a link to download my comprehensive e-book about granular sound tweaking. I´ll give it away for free: Cheers and peace! Rolf

[–] rofilm 1 points 5 days ago

Hi Sturgist, yes, please pass this on to them. Enjoy the book! Cheers, Rolf


For all who are not afraid of watching long videos (more than 1 hour) here is a link to a comprehensive one. It´s kind of nostalgic, but delivers a huge amount of information as well, information about how to use hardware remakes as well as software versions of this iconic synth. Cheers and peace! Rolf


I give a way this e-book (I´m the author) about making music with granular sound tweaking and sonic grains in general for free. You can download it here: I´d be happy to read some comments about this book here. Enjoy your day! Rolf

In the World of Grains (

I give away this comprehensive e-book for free (I´m the author). You can download it here: Cheers and peace! Rolf

[–] rofilm 1 points 6 days ago
[–] rofilm 4 points 6 days ago

You can download this VCV RAck based free e-book (some hundreds of pages, a lot of music theory and explanations) here: or from my website

[–] rofilm 1 points 6 days ago

Hi SteveCC: So how can I offer the free download?

[–] rofilm 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I don´t know if the download link is visible (I´m new to this lemmy thing). So I´l try again:

[–] rofilm 1 points 6 days ago
Tinbox Field Recording (

i wanted to find out how recording sound when the microphone and the piezo elements are placed inside a tin box. This video shows the making of the recording box, some spectral analysis and first recordings. Then I go and discover interesting places to record from (field recording)


I´m the author of this book and offer it to download for free from my link given above. The book is based on the freeware VCV Rack - so anyone can starft working with it for free at once

[–] rofilm 3 points 6 days ago

Yes, it was indeed Satie who coined certain pieces of his work "furniture music". I personally don´t like it that much, but it´s of course historically important as one of the "forefathers" of ambient - whatever is understood under this term nowadays, as Eno once said: "I don´t even recognize ambient music any more." From the view of a composer the idea of being "as ignorable as it is interesting" (Brian Eno) is a challenge of course. I´m currently working on a couple of ambient pieces, and I have to take care a lot not to miss this thin line between ignorability and interesting. Cheers and peace! Rolf

[–] rofilm 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I´m really deep in VCV Rack . I´ve even written a whole e-book trilogy about making generative music with VCV Rack. I think it´s the most versatile modular synth software out there (perhaps together with Cherry Audio´s Voltage Modular - which is not freeware though). Some modules are a bit poorly documented, but all in all it´s a marvelous way into modular synthesis. I recommend anyone who starts working with VCV Rack to limit oneself to only a few basic modules, doing a long time experimenting with these few modules, and only then step by step expanding the system. There is a big danger to drown oneself in the plethora of available modules without really learning what each of them is able to do. Cheers and peace! Rolf Ah, by the way, there´s free e-book about the matter, which may help quite a lot:

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