Capitalism being better than feudalism is not a high bar. A system that ties a human life's worth to the capital they generate will always create disparity
Both authoritarian and capitalist systems lead to massive disparities and overall low quality of life for majority of people. It is where the seemingly opposite ideologies converge on the one thing they do best: concentrate power in the hands of few.
I personally prefer libertarian socialism (in particular, anarchism), but I'm down for anything that is not authoritarian and not capitalistic.
PocketBook - it seems they are sold in Ukraine and Poland
walks around barefoot
All as Miyazaki intended
Been there with Yanukovych. Hopefully Georgian people can rally together and stand for what they actually want.
Just another Tuesday for me
Update: oh hey, there's one right now
Now we're shitposting
Not the first time FromSoft has done some weird shit out of the blue and it worked
Pants could also be exclusively feminine clothing, depending on the region and time period. Also, the colour pink used to be considered masculine (as we're all shades of red).
What I'm saying is, you're absolutely correct, and gender expectations are completely reliant on the culture factor.