
joined 2 years ago
[–] r_se_random -2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Ohh wow, look who has appeared. Mr No reply to the original comment. Wonder what he will add to the conversation.

Like usual, it's nothing of value.

[–] r_se_random 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

I think you've misread my comment.

"Xi doesn't get the solidarity like Luigi, because his government has a track record of punishing citizens when they show dissent" was the point of my original comment.

I believe this context is important if we're to discuss the likability of a country's leader based on their actions. Additionally, "acting within the defines of state ideology" would permit a national head to practically do anything since they are the ones defining the state ideology.

[–] r_se_random -4 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Thanks for admitting that nothing could ever be enough to change your mind.

[–] r_se_random -2 points 2 months ago (6 children)

I have shared some articles on China's crackdown on dissent here. Will you will change your mind after reading them?


[–] r_se_random 1 points 2 months ago (5 children)

I have shared some links further in the thread, here you go.


[–] r_se_random -2 points 2 months ago (6 children)

My friend, you're the one who's actively denying the opinions of the Chinese people I know, while pushing a Harvard study on my face. And then calling me racist/chauvinistic. I am not sure how that helps your case, but I guess just spouting random nonsense is your idea of a conversation.

To help you out, I have taken some time to find some of the articles from the time I was in SG, and cases I discussed. These are the articles.




Most of the people I talked to related with these incidents, and acknowledged that while they may not the be the norm, they're certainly not anomalies. And a lot of people dont come out because the government reacts in such dracnonian ways.

The people I talked to were not representative of all of China, it would be ridiculous to consider that. However, ignoring multiple unrelated people sharing similar stories would be an asinine thing.

If your response is going to be a an aggregate study about economic development, and ask me why would people be unhappy with that, then you need some sort of help to understand that economic freedom is not the only freedom in the world.

[–] r_se_random -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (16 children)

I never claimed to be an authority, and there's a reason I mentioned it was my opinion.

And again, it's not like there could be selection biases in a Harvard study. That absolutely never happens.

[–] r_se_random -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (18 children)

I base my opinion on multiple people I personally know who moved from China to SG, because they were unhappy with the kind of control government maintained over any public criticism. I won't pretend that I remember all the instances they've mentioned, but I know better than to reject the claims of the countries citizen when they have some concerns. I won't pretend that I know better than the people living in the damned country.

[–] r_se_random 19 points 2 months ago (46 children)

I wonder if it has anything to do with PRC's punishment towards citizens who have been critical of their government. Who knows man.

[–] r_se_random 55 points 6 months ago (9 children)

There was an initial reaction from Linus on his forums where he massively doubled down on his stance that he had not done anything wrong with the review model LTT had auctioned off without permission (I can't remember the name of the company). He had even accused GN of not following "journalistic standards" by not giving LTT a chance to put their side forward.

This was met with another video from GN, and overall criticism over the dismissive attitude Linus was displaying. That's when they came out with a YT video, admitting their numerous faults, and Linus himself admitted that the way he responded on the forum was not acceptable.

Pretty much doubled down initially, till they realised that they're in actual deep waters.

[–] r_se_random 2 points 6 months ago

Never been to US, so I won't comment on the specific infra.

However, I have lived in multiple cities, and have seen multiple cities build their metro networks from scratch in 20 years. And they've been absolutely over and beyond what could've been achieved by any improvement in car infrastructure, apart from demolishing entire houses and shops to expand the roads on both sides.

[–] r_se_random 1 points 6 months ago

Sequential sharing isn't sharing. That's how any cab operators functions.

The problems you're mentioning aren't problems with human drivers, but the problems with perfect allocation. Robo taxis won't solve them.


Hey folks,

This is a more general question for me to better understand the Fediverse.

If one of the popular instances decide to monetise the user data, are there any legal frameworks to stop that?

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