
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

🎡The house is still a mess, and I'm going bald from stress, but we're happy just the way we are🎡

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

I had no idea she was in ST: SA! I just watched Orphan Black not too long ago, and she was great in that.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Running Testlog

Tests are performed against voyager [dot] lemmy [dot] ml and are limited to regular user and community mod actions only. Testing is also limited to the functionality exposed by that instance's config (e.g. no signup app, captcha, email verify, etc).


  • Basic signup (no application, captcha, or email verification)
  • Logging in
  • Creating a community
  • Subscribing / unsubscribing to a community
  • Infinite scroll in main post feed
  • Browsing a community (e.g. /c/test)
  • Creating a post with text only
  • Commenting on a post
  • Viewing votes on a post/comment as a moderator
  • Upvoting a post/comment

Doesn't Work

  • Detecting whether to enable downvotes; defaults to downvotes disabled. Seems to be related to the more granular voting restrictions, and Tess looks at the old downvotes disabled key in the site response.
  • Browsing communities (The moron devs changed the sort types and broke compatibility)
  • Editing a community's settings
  • Viewing user profiles (moron devs broke v3 API)
  • Modlog? Can't tell b/c voyager is running on a potato and the request times out.

Can't Test Currently

  • Any admin functionality
  • Image uploads (avatars, community icons/banners, etc)
  • Downvoting a post/comment (Tess limitation due to change in getSite response and missing "downvotes enabled" key.


  • Signup with Captcha enabled
  • Signup with application
  • Signup with email verification
  • Email verification
  • Login with TOTP
  • Image uploads
  • Anything else not explicitly listed as broken/working
Lemmy 1.0 (
submitted 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, when I do get back into my regular development cycle, I'm going to be working on 1.0 support. Yay πŸ™„

Breaking Changes:

Just going to get my gripes out of the way first: The Lemmy devs have no fucking clue how to version an API. They added an API v4 with some legitimately welcome changes. That's great. But the whole reason you version your API is to not break previous API versions. Random shit is breaking in v3 on 1.0.0-alpha because they changed the v3 behavior instead of implementing all the breaking changes in the new API v4.

I tested Tess 1.4.31 against voyager (that's as far as I ever want to touch .ml ugh), and there's a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed. Maintaining limited compatibility with older API versions (specifically the remote community browser) is also going to be a thing because of the moronic breaking changes that shouldn't be breaking if the devs had any goddamned sense.

Have I mentioned how much I hate the Lemmy devs?

The Answer is 'a lot'

The answer is "a lot"

I'm not sure how far out 1.0 is, but don't expect Tess to be ready on launch day. That said, 1.0 support is going to be developed in a new version (1.5 series) that bumps the minimum API to 1.0 because, again, the Lemmy devs have no fucking clue how to do versioned APIs and only concern themselves with Lemmy UI and everyone else be damned.

I'm so tired, y'all.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 12 hours ago

Thanks. Makes sense. I'll give that a shot next time I give it a thorough cleaning. I don't have it in me to disassemble that again for at least another month.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Look at RCS

I'd rather not lol. Google basically forces you to use your phone in a Google-approved configuration or RCS silently fails. So if you're rooted, no RCS for you. You can spoof SafetyNet attestation all you want, but they constantly blacklist fingerprints (even legit ones) and RCS stops working (but still says "connected"). After 3 months of fighting it, missing messages, or having to wait 90+ seconds for outgoing messages to fallback to SMS, I just disabled RCS and went back to SMS/MMS. Since that was the last Google service I was trying to use, I just disabled Play Services and completed the de-googling of my devices.

If RCS is to ever succeed, , it needs to be a carrier service and not a Google service. As it is now, it is impossible to use RCS on Android without Google Play Services (e.g. De-Googled device). That's absolutely unacceptable.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (4 children)

Honestly, I dread the e-SIM only future. They're okay as something that complements a physical SIM, but I much prefer swapping the physical one than going through the carrier to transfer it.

I tend to use devices and mobile OS's that aren't carrier-blessed (but are otherwise compatible with the network); it's often necessary to first activate the service in a "supported" device and then move the SIM to the device I actually want to use.

I also change devices often, kind of like choosing the right footwear for the event. I've got a general purpose "daily driver" mostly dumb phone, but I also swap my SIM to a few other devices depending on need. e.g. occasionally, I'll need my actual smartphone and move my SIM into that for the day or I'm going backpacking and move my SIM into my rugged smartphone which is otherwise a beast to carry but nice in the wilderness, etc.

Plus, I've had phones just up and die. With my cell as my only phone (and sometimes only internet connection), it's a little difficult to reach the carrier to move service to my backup device. Much easier to just pull my SIM and move it.

If I were doing all this with eSIMs, I'd probably be setting off all kinds of false alarm bells swapping around so much; all false alarms that, to date, haven't been an issue with a physical SIM. That's not even getting into the artificial restrictions that will eventually come. Wouldn't put it past some shitty carriers (cough Verizon cough) to limit the number of times you can swap in a month and/or to charge a BS "activation" fee for it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago


That's cool. I've never messed with Nix, and I'm so out of my wheelhouse even looking at that, but it's still cool.

looks like 1.4.31 hasn't been merged into main yet?

Yup. I knew I forgot something. Was just trying to get this bugfix release out and off my plate and forgot to merge. Will try to address that tomorrow if time allows.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

The whole concept of eating contests has always appalled me.

Like most kids of my era, mom would always guilt me into finishing my dinner because "there are starving kids in Africa that would would love to have that plate of Brussels sprouts." So even back then, my mind couldn't reconcile the fact that we all know there are starving kids in the world but also we have competitive eating contests.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 23 hours ago

Yeah, that tracks with the other horror stories I've heard about Samsung appliances.

I'm in the same boat: only have them because they came with the house. I'd never have bought them of my own volition, and I'm both dreading and looking forward to the day they fail. Looking forward to is only so that I can replace them and stop worrying about when they fail.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

Cleaning vinegar is always something I forget to pick up at the grocery store.

I've seen that recommended a few times when I was looking for cleaning tips. How do you run it through the line? AFAIK, it just uses water pressure from the line and doesn't pump / "pull" the water into the fridge lines.

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

"Stolen". That's not how you pronounce "rescued from a psychopath".

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Uh....yeah. It was a really weird time knowing there was a very attractive redhead under all that old lady getup and support stockings. Very confusing feelings for sure.


OMG I hate this fridge. The ice and water dispenser is clearly a component that needs regular cleaning, and Samsung seems to have gone out of their way to make it "a whole thing". The only component the manual instructs you to clean is the drip tray.

None of the pieces are easily removable. I ended up having to unplug the fridge, remove the screw that held the control panel on, pry it off, unclip the wiring harness to remove it, and set it aside (and clean separately).

Once that was off, the outer ice chute is still not removable without further disassembly of the dispenser unit, and that's where I drew the line - everything started getting all wire-y and gear-y past that.

Luckily, I was able to pull the water line up/out and clean it really good. With the panel removed, I was able to clean a bit deeper into the ice chute and get it mostly sanitized (had to get some of it from the top/inside the fridge.

Why, Samsung, why is a procedure that should be routine such a nightmare?


Cross-posted from "In Response to Amazon preventing to download books you bought: Some DRM free bookstores and publishers" by @[email protected] in [email protected]

Not exactly the traditional type of ebook deals, but DRM-free is a major selling point for me since I like to actually own the books I buy.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Due to an immediate family member's prolonged illness and recent passing, I've had very little time to work on Tesseract as of late. This is purely a bugfix release that I've had ready to go for several weeks but haven't had the time to put together and ship out.

I'm not sure when regular development will resume , so for now, the project is sidelined and basically in maintenance mode for the time being. I would love to get some other contributors on board as developing this has taken up far too much of my time. If you're interested in helping out with this project, please let me know.


  • "Application Denial Reason" heading was showing on applications that were not yet processed.
  • Formatting help modal wasn't closing with new modal method. Removed this since it was not particularly useful. May re-implement it in a different way.
  • Scroll the subscribed community list in sidebar and community menu back to top when clearing results or clicking the "clear" button.
  • HTML-like syntax in markdown now rendered correctly as text
  • Compact video post titles were not correctly setting onHomeInstance state
  • Compact video post titles were not correctly detecting inmodal state

New Markdown Editor Behavior

You can now select multiple lines of text and apply block quote, numbered, or bullet list to the selection.

Get Tesseract

  • Github
  • Hosted Instance

Cross-posted from "I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better" by @[email protected] in [email protected]

I'm tired of pretending tech makes things better.

I'm tired of kidding myself that all these apps, these chatbots, these "tools" are doing anything but dragging us into the mud and the shit and calling it progress.

I sat down at a cafe a few days ago, hungry and ready to order. But there were no menus at the tables - just a QR code on a hockey puck. My phone struggled to load the site to order a single cold brew, pop-ups to install the custom App kept obscuring the options, and I had to register with my phone number, email address, and first and last name to buy a $5 cup of coffee.

By the time I placed my order - paying a 1% fee to the app makers in the process - I would have happily paid double for the experience of simply flipping through a menu and talking to another human being.

You can call my complaints out of touch, but I'm no stranger to the other side. I've worked in hospitality intermittently for the past decade, and I still pick up shifts here and there. I can tell you right now that anyone working in a decent venue would rather have a line of people ordering at the counter than be juggling iPads and QR codes while barely interacting with human beings.

We keep adding layers of technology meant to reduce friction, but it just winds up abstracting us from other people, from our neighbors and communities, while forcing clunky, barely functional, and always extractive apps into every facet of our daily lives.

In some parts of the city, you can't even park your car anymore without downloading an app.

I used to say that I wasn't against technology. I believed in it and was hopeful, and I could still get excited about the New New Thing.

But that's not the case anymore.


From "Queen of Jordan 2: Mystery of the Phantom Pooper"


A massive blackout has hit Chile, leaving millions without power and disrupting transportation, businesses, and essential services across 14 of the country's 16 regions. The Associated Press reports:

The National Electrical Coordinator, Chile's grid operator, said a disruption had occurred in a high-voltage transmission line that carries power from the Atacama Desert of northern Chile to the capital of Santiago in the country's central valley. It did not say what actually caused the disruption that pushed much of the country's power grid into shutdown, from the northernmost Chilean port of Arica to the southern Los Lagos agricultural region.

Interior Minister Carolina Toha said hospitals, prisons and government buildings were switching on backup generators to keep essential equipment operating. In a press conference, Toha urged the public to stay calm and said officials were racing to put the grid back in operation and restore electric service across the country of some 19 million people. "It's affecting the entire electrical system of the country," she said of the breakdown in the 500-kV backbone transmission line. Toha said if all areas didn't return to normal by sunset the government would take emergency measures to avert a crisis. [...]

Videos on social media from all over Chile, a long ribbon of a country stretching 4,300 kilometers (over 2,600 miles) along the southern Pacific coast, showed chaos at intersections with no functioning traffic lights, people having to use their mobile phones as torches in the underground metro and police dispatched to help evacuate office buildings.

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