Some TLDs that aren't country codes but also aren't very useful or popular will sometimes be blanket blocked by institutions, on the theory that there's so many more garbage malware C&Cs or whatever than actual useful sites that it makes sense to ban the whole thing. So you might not want to go with .bingo
or .rest
or anything with no perceivable use.
You might be looking for a "smoke test"?
How micro are the cuts? You might get pretty far with the "ping" tool without any fancy monitoring setup around it.
Sure it won't marbelize him?
They might be 64 bit numbers.
It's not just that they've printed the code. I've printed code.
It's that they've printed a screenshot of the editor.
"And that was the last photo we got of them alive, which is why it's so important to learn about the recovery position..."
Gotta be worth a couple billion at least. It's only lightly used.
Can we have antiwork back
It's just survivorship bias: the buildings still standing thousands of years after everyone who wanted them died are the ones with just a fuckton of extra pillars holding them up.
Who is drinking 1/12 of a liter of pool per hour?
The hell is a Community Point?