[-] peteypete420 48 points 2 weeks ago

Troofs. Yea I'll hafta vote Democrat cause holy fuck look at what republican means right now(also for as long as I was voting age). And while I want to just throw my vote away and vote third party because fuck both parties.... I do live in somewhat important not necessarily decided state. (Iirc pa went Trump in 2016 but Biden in 2020).

I forget the term for it, but fuck that thing that makes political bribes legal in the US. Fuck gerrymandering. And most of all fuck this two party system where both parties are owned, fucking outright, by companies and oligarchs and foreign influences.

[-] peteypete420 184 points 3 weeks ago

6 days with 1 john is probably a lot less work than 30 1 hour sessions with varying johns. Also getting a discount when buying in bulk is pretty common with most goods. Not sure if it's so with sex work in real life tho.

[-] peteypete420 33 points 3 weeks ago
  1. I am 40. Thanks fuckers.
[-] peteypete420 38 points 1 month ago

That image has a real Shel Silverstein look to it. Pretty cool

[-] peteypete420 168 points 1 month ago

Nazi punks fuck off! I'm not a huge Kennedys fan but I'll blast that one any time.

[-] peteypete420 59 points 1 month ago

Sadly it didn't last very long, the boy was immediately banned from the pool for littering into the pool.

[-] peteypete420 42 points 2 months ago

I don't understand why people are explaining how dangerous bears are. It really isn't the point.

[-] peteypete420 120 points 2 months ago

I always thought private browsing was just so all the porn content doesn't stay in search history's and the address bar doesn't auto fill fatasshonkeybabes.com if my grandmother sits down to look at her Facebooks.

[-] peteypete420 34 points 2 months ago

I would not say both sides are the same, but this a bullshit oversimplification. The dems are not some ray of sunshine who have only made this country better.

[-] peteypete420 26 points 2 months ago

Now someone reverse it for me, what's the MOST amount of countries you can drive through in 13 hours?

[-] peteypete420 29 points 3 months ago

Seems about right for the joker. Don't get me wrong should still be a knife or something in the pump, but seems about right

[-] peteypete420 37 points 4 months ago

Don't go to them. Seems simple.

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