they want to be trendy. those who will be fired will be happier.
a new user, just like me. welcome, welcome!
I understand. I would inplement the feature if I could: it is nice inprovement, but not that all usefull, atleast for me.
it's because the srv is overloaded probably, it's why i'm here.
fedizen is so generic.
lemmies is cool.
but is locked, and only accepted me, without issues. lovely platform, btw.
reddit is now called redShit, because how it's managers try to wreck it. it's why I call twitter shitter fedi will thrive. and destroy every other social platform!
good idea, but probably not that usefull
I am from reddit migration. it's 100000000000 times better, e.g. more accessible with my screenreader, on reddit, I needed to use special app, called dystopia which handled voiceover more gracefully.
thanks for making this one!
if this headset will help you find objects in real life, yeah. I am blind, so this tech, if accessible enough, could revolutionize how I recognize and interact with people.