[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

You can teach yourself how to change the oil on your car simply by watching YouTube videos. And then all you need to buy are a few basic supplies, and you'll be able to change your oil for life. Oil changes are either absurdly expensive (dealership) or done half-assed (Jiffy Lube), so doing it yourself gives you a job done right for pennies on the dollar.

And if you find that you have a knack for it, you can teach yourself more basic maintenance jobs like changing brake pads.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 1 year ago

Just want to note that the link is an opinion piece, not a news article.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 1 year ago

I think it's very on-brand for Reddit to announce that they are removing a feature without having a replacement ready for primetime.

Why on Earth would you announce this now when you're not ready for whatever is coming next? It's like they are purposely trying to kill Reddit.

I'm only half joking that I'm expecting Mark Zuckerberg to announce a new app called "Links" next week that looks suspiciously like Reddit, because this pattern is starting to feel familiar.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 1 year ago

It's so on-brand for Reddit to announce killing these features without any explanation of what is to take its place. Just a vague mention of more communication "in the coming months".

How exciting.

Reminds me of when they killed Reddit Gifts/Secret Santa.

Reddit and Twitter are racing to see who can kill themselves faster.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 1 year ago

Are you a developer of both Lemmy and Jerboa? I just realized I think I've seen your name in both places. You are a freaking hard worker!!!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

For anyone who isn't familiar, RBG was a liberal Supreme Court justice that was getting very old, and a lot of people thought she should have retired during Obama's term, where she could have been replaced by him. Some accuse her of stubbornness/hubris for not stepping down when it was "safe", and point out that her whole legacy is now being undone.

Others point out that common wisdom at the time was that Hillary was going to he a shoe in as the next president, and nobody expected a Republican to win, including RBG.

Anyway, I'm not taking a stance but just fleshing that out for anyone who is interested in the controversy.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago

I find it very strange how much Russia relies on this mercenary group. I know there are other groups like this in the West (I'm mainly thinking about Blackwater), but Wagner seems many orders of magnitude larger and more powerful, seemingly rivaling Russia's own military itself.

I'm surprised that someone as notoriously paranoid as Vladimir Putin has allowed this man to gather so much power, and indeed, his own personal army. Putin will probably still come out on top, but this is going to hurt him tremendously in the PR arena.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The NY Post got their hands on some pretty damning text messages where this CEO was irresponsibly downplaying the risks and cutting the ticket price for a potential prospect. I know he's dead now, but I hope some sort of regulations come out of this.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi everyone, although I am not personally socialist, I come in peace with a question that I am seeking to learn.

Within capitalism, the concept of "limited liability" is common. Essentially, the owners of a firm cannot be held personally liable for the wrongs of the firm. If Toyota makes dangerous airbags, the personal home of the executives cannot be seized to pay victims. Only company assets can be liquidated.

How does this work within a Marxist framework where the workers are the owners of the "firms" (or of the manufacturing plant). For example, imagine that a worker-owned plant makes faulty airbags through negligence. Would the workers be personally liable? Or would the concept of limited liability remain, and the worst that could happen would be the liquidation of the plant to repay victims' families?

Thank you for hearing my question!

[-] [email protected] 69 points 1 year ago

It's funny how Reddit rarely if ever has stepped in to reign in actual problematic mods in the past, instead just encouraging people to create their own subreddit if they don't like how it's being run.

But now, they suddenly change their tune, and spout this sentimental blather about how mods are "stewards" and "in a position of trust", and now they will solemnly respond with "next steps" if mods don't open these important communities. Their arguments are totally incoherent.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 1 year ago

Wow, Reddit really has so many professional people working for them.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago

Huffman’s public reactions to Redditors’ outrage haven’t helped. While he once appeared even-keeled yet decisive while dealing with online mobs, he appears to have alienated a far wider swath of users by coming off as hard-nosed, condescending, and stubborn.

This is the big thing that is different this time around, to me. His behavior, towards the community and towards developers, has become more aggressive amd openly hostile. I don't know if his earlier "saving Reddit" moments emboldened him to the point of arrogance, or what.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

It wasn't sympathy for the passengers that made the story interesting to me. It was the absolute shamelessness with which that CEO disregarded safety, fired people who tried to make it safe, cut corners, lied to reporters about "partnering with Boeing" (they debunked it today), and on and on.

The guy was a huge piece of shit, and I hope that his company gets sued into oblivion so that some sort of precedent is set for other companies that try to use international waters for their malfeasance.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

As part of the silent majority of Jerboa users, thank you for everything you do. I appreciate all your work on the app beyond words. Its so awesome.

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