[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

It's like a double-sided Chess board mixed with Chutes & Ladders.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I'm actually in the first camp as well, I'd rather have some amount of control over who the opposition is, and I like to keep tabs on what kind of rhetoric/propaganda the other side is pushing on their base. It looks like the shooter may have been in this camp as well, based on the reporting I've seen. A BBC story notes he was a registered Republican, but that he had made a donation to a liberal political group, ActBlue, in 2021. So I think it's probably going to be pinned on Democrats trying to be the violent ones, even though it has literally been Trump & co stirring up shit for years and basically guaranteeing that something like this would happen.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

We almost had a holy trinity of celebrity deaths today.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

He clearly abused his power while in office before and was only kept in check by his idiocy and by people around him who understood that there is/was limits to presidential power. With SCOTUS basically giving the president kingly powers to do fuck all, the gloves are off and that shit-stain can just do whatever the fuck he wants. It’s so aggravating the number of people in power enabling possibly the worst person in human history to behave even more irresponsibly and giving into even stupider ideas. And that it’s even this close in polling #s makes me think America will deserve whatever happens to it as a result.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

That's alot of... homework files.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 6 days ago

Cool, they should lose their right to vote then.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Harris will lose, she’s already dead weight on the campaign as it is, she’ll do absolutely nothing on her own.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Ray, please generate an image of a hot blonde anime waifu with big titties wearing a revealing Thomas the tank engine négligée and sucking on a pikachu-shaped popsicle. One nipple has “accidentally” slipped out and she looks at the camera lustfully. And she has big titties.

[-] [email protected] 200 points 5 months ago

Make Asia Mongolian Again

[-] [email protected] 160 points 5 months ago

Here's hoping her eventual career with Brazzers pans out as well as her Congressional career.

[-] [email protected] 160 points 5 months ago

Yet holding onto classified documents, then hiding them and lying about it to investigators for months gets nothing but a very stern finger-wagging?

[-] [email protected] 262 points 6 months ago

“sharpen our focus and improve the way we work together to bring more agility to our organization.”

Ahh yes, watching co-workers get laid off does wonders for improving the way you work together with the people still there.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Eugene Debs, a Socialist leader in the early 20th century, ran for President five times. His fifth and highest vote count came in the 1920 Presidential election, in which he was running while in Federal prison for sedition. He received about 3.4% of the vote at the time (which included women for the first time since the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920 as well). Not naming names, but yes, it's possible to run for President while in prison, though results may vary.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just got done with a chat with Sony Customer Service regarding fraudulent activity on my account, I figured I'd share my experience in case anyone else has the same issue come up (I assume it's a relatively common experience).

Somebody apparently got access to my account a few days ago, changed the email address linked to the account (so that I couldn't reset the password) changed the password, activated 2-step verification, then started buying up a few games on it (as my Sony account had been linked to my paypal account).

Of course I discovered all this on a Sunday, when their phone lines are closed, which left me having to go through their "online assistant" (ie chat bot). It took me about 30-40min to finally get transferred to a live chat rep, but because I had keyed in my "online ID" wrong in the chat form ( misremembered it), he was unable to help me, because that chat instance is restricted to whatever info I entered originally. So I then had to start a new chat instance with the correct info, which left me waiting for another 30-40min, which by that time put me into about 1.5 hours and I just closed out and resolved to get to it today.

Fast-forward to today, the wait this time was only about 20 min. Everything seemed to go fairly well, I got access to my account and changed the password back out. I then went ahead and activated 2-Step Verification for myself, to improve security to hopefully prevent this kind of thing in the future. After verifying my email address, this action apparently flagged my account for suspicious activity and my account is now suspended. I'm now having to wait for another specialist to resolve that issue. And because of that issue, the refund on the two games that were fraudulently bought is on hold because the agent can't process it while the account is suspended.

After all of that, I requested to know what the email address had been changed to during the time that my account was hacked, as I want to file a police report at least and give that information out if I can. However, I was told that they could not give that information out for security reasons. In my mind, that email address became part of my account record, did it not? Why wouldn't I have access to that info for my account? The agent literally just gave me back access to my account, I'm obviously the account owner.

Overall, I appreciated the help that CS gave me, I've worked that kind of job before, so I understand some of what they go through, but Sony's process for resolving these issues was just kind of a lot of needless waste on my end and infuriating that I don't have access to my own account information. There was some other strange things about the whole experience that I won't go into here, so just be prepared if you ever have to contact Sony about this.

Thank you for reading my long rant.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was curious if anyone else had tried out bringing in boardgame content/ideas into their RPG games? Minis are always great to bring in as some boardgames have some great figures to use, but also, just incorporating mechanics, settings, as a mini-game, or just the general idea of a game into an RPG seems like a great resource. There's already alot of RPG-esque games out there that are ripe for plundering and just converting into full-blown RPGs if you wanted, you'd just be adding some additional depth on top of an already defined world. We've just seen Gloomhaven make the leap into an RPG as well with their new crowdfunding campaign.

I just wrapped up a one-shot game (over 3 sessions) of **Mothership RPG **where I merged the RPG with the boardgame Nemesis and it seemed to go well (everyone died, very on brand). I basically used the Nemesis map/rooms/plot and ran it as a sort of pointcrawl via FoundryVTT with randomized encounters in each room. I brought in Nemesis' idea of giving the players competing goals and added some other elements to amp up the paranoia. The two games seemed to compliment each other fairly well, though not really suitable beyond just a one-shot. It probably could've went into a campaign if I had wanted, but I was happy with one of the players rigging the engines to explode and leaving on an escape pod.

Some other ideas I've had merge RPG elements with tabletop games have been with Kingdom Death (I had drafted up some ideas for merging it with The Quiet Year awhile back), Shadows of Brimstone (Hexcrawl, basically adding another layer on top of the game to give it more depth), and Heroquest (I tried out a Savage Worlds conversion of the game).

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