Osha always talks about how its not the first mistake that kills you, and I think in the case of home electrical, leaving a panel energized while your hands are in it, would count as number 1.
Calling the French Canadians "European" is pretty good shade...
Anyone who figured out messaging beyond "Look how bad Trump is, even Bush republicans won't vote for him" probably wins that election. No one had a broad vision to latch for sale, and no one did anything inspiring.
Firefox has an HTTPS-Only mode. Did you double check that? Make sure you can get anywhere on http tcp/80 in the browser.
Crash. In high school my buddy brought out all the weird horror and b-movies he could find, including crash, a movie about people who get busy after dangerous or injurious automobile incidents. Cut to a few years later, when my friend's parents are telling me a how they thought crash was so powerful and everyone should see it, and how it was nominated for a bunch of oscars, I was completely perplexed.
A lot of places self insure, but some already buy insurance as you describe. Qualified immunity is a pretty high bar to get over, but some people do get settlements. I'd argue insurance should have to be bought by the officer, or their union to have any effect on their behavior.
Except it's not, he thinks he's consistent. Far left and far right are a matter of perspective, and from where he sits, far left is trying to not deadname someone, starting a union, or progressive taxation. His far right is somewhere past suggesting gas chambers for social deviants.
The Aging Wheels youtube channel has a fair bit of trabant content. I'd never heard of them as a car, but its neat history.
Massachusetts thrash / metal bands
Skytigers Crowfeeder Voyager
Adidas and puma, but modern.
Not a medical professional, but thank you for putting up with the public. We need you.