[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Slightly younger old millennial.

Bacon used to be just about the most expensive meat you could buy.

Bill Clinton tried to kill Osama bin Laden.

Terrorists were angry leprechauns who had been abused by centuries of British oppression.

Russia was kind of cool for a little while.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 3 days ago

Words are wind.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

The more jobs you have, the more means of production you control, obviously. /s

[-] [email protected] 71 points 3 weeks ago

I live in Tennessee. The number of lives that Dolly Parton has changed for the better is immeasurable. The two things you're supposed to do as a Christian are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

She loves her neighbors more than she loves herself. Anyone talking trash about Dolly is the worst kind of person.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 2 months ago

I mean, if the choice is instant, painless death or decade after decade of your parents asking why you don't own a house, I guess death is fine?

[-] [email protected] 195 points 3 months ago

I get that ads pay for a free internet. But that doesn't mean that 60% of my screen needs to be malware to read a local news article.

Until advertisers act in good faith, I block as much as possible.

[-] [email protected] 91 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Seems like there's a lack of understanding in this thread.

Someone who owns a duplex and rents half is not a problem. My barber, who moved to be closer to sick, aging parents, but did not sell their house in Asheville, because they want to retire there and won't be able to afford that if they sell now, is not a problem.

Corporations are the problem. They're buying up hundreds of thousands of properties, and why not? To a greedy corporation that only cares about money, it makes sense. If you sell a house, you make money once. If you rent a house, you have a subscription model and a revenue stream. Adobe did it with Photoshop. HP wants to do it with printers. Greedy Bastard Inc. wants to do it with housing.

Legislate big business out of housing. It's the only way to fix it.

[-] [email protected] 142 points 5 months ago

One of Trump's defense arguments for presidential immunity for any action was that if presidents didn't have it, Bush could be prosecuted for misleading Congress about WMDs, and Obama could be prosecuted for drone strikes against civilians.

Yes please.

[-] [email protected] 125 points 6 months ago

Just some advice to anyone who finds themselves in this specific situation, since I found myself in almost the exact same situation:

If you really, really want to keep the data, and you can afford to spend the money (big if), move it to AWS. I had to move almost 4.5PB of data around Christmas of last year out of Google Drive. I spun up 60 EC2 instances, set up rclone on each one, and created a Google account for each instance. Google caps downloads per account to 10TB per day, but the EC2 instances I used were rate limited to 60MBps, so I didn't bump the cap. I gave each EC2 instance a segment of the data, separating on file size. After transferring to AWS, verifying the data synced properly, and building a database to find files, I dropped it all to Glacier Deep Archive. I averaged just over 3.62GB/s for 14 days straight to move everything. Using a similar method, this poor guy's data could be moved in a few hours, but it costs, a couple thousand dollars at least.

Bad practice is bad practice, but you can get away with it for a while, just not forever. If you're in this situation, because you made it, or because you're cleaning up someone else's mess, you're going to have to spend money to fix it. If you're not in this situation, be kind, but thank god you don't have to deal with it.

[-] [email protected] 165 points 8 months ago

It's not homeschooling, it's unschooling.

My parents were both teachers at private or Christian schools while I grew up, and every year, there'd always be a new couple of kids who's parents couldn't quite hack it anymore, so they'd send them to school. But couldn't bear to send their kids to those secular, godless, evolution teaching, sex driven, minority filled public schools, so they'd send them to my school instead.

Those kids were always some of the dumbest, most ignorant people on the planet. Some figure it out, but most don't. They just double down. They were usually barely literate, couldn't do math, and had no social skills. It's how you end up with a 19 year old freshman who can't read Dr. Seuss.

I know teachers aren't paid much, but if you have the audacity to say that you can do a better job than 4 or 5 professionals at teaching your kid every subject, you should have to take a test to be certified, and your kid needs testing too. Some states require it, most don't, and it shows.

[-] [email protected] 249 points 8 months ago

You can literally fit the entire text on your phone

But not the photos, video, or audio. And I can't serve it to hundreds of millions of people from my phone. This truly one of the stupidest things a tech CEO has ever said.

Building a Plex server with every TV show and movie on Netflix is easy. Distributing that data to 300 million of your friends daily is where the cost is.

Using his ass-stupid logic, Xitter is worth a small box of USB drives I can pick up at Dollar General because the text from every Xeet fits on them? Might actually be true.

[-] [email protected] 58 points 10 months ago

I think most millennials and and gen-x folks will be totally fine.

I don't want to sound like one of those "kids these days" people, but kids these days have it rough.

I work in tech and old folks, mainly boomers, are usually ok to work with when it comes to tech, because they know they don't understand it. They grew up without it, avoided it when possible, embraced it when necessary, but they know that requires effort, and they're just generally not interested. I get that. They just need some reps and to feel comfortable, and they get it.

Most gen-z folks have grown up in a world where you just click things and they work. As a general rule, gen-x grew up in an era where you had to tinker with the hardware and software yourself if you wanted to do something. As a millennial, I had it easier. Most of the hardware was sorted, but some of the software was not, so you still had to do some configuration yourself if you wanted something to work.

Gen-z hasn't had that. If app A doesn't work, download app B. They're so used to things just working, they have no idea how to troubleshoot anything. In that way, they're usually worse than boomers. Generally a boomer will make an effort to try to fix something, understanding it's outside their wheelhouse. The zoomer won't and just stops in their tracks.

For example, a boomer will mangle the displayport connection on their computer trying to plug their HDMI cable into it. It looked like it would fit. The zoomer doesn't understand they need to plug in the computer to the monitor. The computer is already plugged in to the wall. Why plug it in again? Both things I have seen in the last 3 months. If someone thinks their computer is broken but it just needs the monitor turned on, they're more often under 25 than over 55.

Again, these are generalizations. There are individuals who don't fit into these trends. This is just my experience.

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