Just looks like windows to me and I don’t want it
Can you share photos
I’m not intending to promote them. I don’t see who is.
Definitely not a note map
I think I must have misunderstood because I meant to criticize both the dems for doing nothing and Trump as well.
Thanks for specific examples!
When I TA-ed, I swear 75% of the non-Americans students wrote almost perfect papers whereas less than 25% of Americans couldn’t even write and less than 5% had comparably good essays. Honestly depressing.
I switched last year and brought two computers and four servers along. Very well worth it :)
Democrats very much enable fascism. They aren’t push back or vote against it. When in office they hardly make it so republicans can’t promote it. Democrats would rather play by the rules than actually help America. One who thinks either parties will ever help America hardly have the high ground. It is clear the democrats either do nothing, enable, or do the same actions. Same neoliberal imperialist coin.
Who is promoting fascism here?
Interesting article
I agree. Which distro?
Bro who is saying they voted for trump.