Buy one get one is super common. Just a step above!
Good idea. I have the standard admin approval on think. I will change it.
Hahaha! It’s just me. I’m the last one left in China celebrating. Going for the record. /s
I spent it in the countryside with family and just got home to watch the new years show.
Well happy Chinese new year to you two :)
Depending on how you define it, it may have already happened. WW1 was mostly just Europe.
I mean the first step would be to find a job there and a place to live.
Probably. Making your own mianjin is much better ;)
Very relatable.
And that’s the crux of the problem. Most of those being offended aren’t even targeted by those terms. Look at the PC term we used in the 90s and 00s (and maybe earlier idk) for black people, “African American,” which was actually more offensive since it implied that they’re immigrants or whatever despite having deeper American roots than most Americans.
I think the answer is typically younger teens-30s white people who get offended on others behalf. You've framed this in an interesting way. IDEK why I've been led to think that way. I know I don't want to think like the right does. And I disagree with how radically anti-logic academia can be but I do try to speak carefully within that setting.
It's almost as if white/cis/straight people are taking the potential suffering of non-whites and making it their own. Or at least living in a white savior fantasy.
This literally just looks like gnome with extra steps…