
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

Whatsapp imo of better. They are both stealing your data, at least with WA you avoid third parties.

By the way, people answering Signal or Matrix: you really suck big time. Of course that's better, but it you ever have a friend outside privacy nich (or at all - your momma doesn't count-) , you would learn that's not a choice

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Your insights as a software developer are truly valuable. Thank you for explaining.

I agree with your points on the complexities of the build process and the potential pitfalls of taking control away from developers. However, the goal is not to replace the role of developers but to provide additional transparency for those lacking technical expertise. An AI could assist in clarifying this process, and while trust is a wider issue, AI could help in verifying package integrity. The idea is to automate and standardize some aspects of the build process, not to diminish developer control. As technology advances, it's an idea.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

You're correct, I suggest a user-friendly AI interface to assist with compilation, not for AI to produce machine code directly. The idea is to increase transparency and trust, especially for non-technical users. The Archlinux scripts you mentioned are indeed similar to my thought, but as you noted, third-party involvement may raise trust issues. Hence, AI might add an extra layer of verification, making the process more understandable. It's a complex issue worth exploring as technology continues to evolve.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I understand your concern about the black-box nature of AI and the potential for exploitation. It's indeed a serious challenge, but I still believe it’s possible to work towards solutions.

As AI continues to evolve, there's ongoing research into improving the transparency and interpretability of AI algorithms. Ideally, this could lead to AI models that can better explain their actions and decisions. We may not have reached this point yet, but it is an active area of research and progress is being made.

Furthermore, having open-source AI models could offer some degree of assurance. If an AI model is open source and has undergone rigorous audits, there's a higher level of transparency and trustworthiness. The community could scrutinize and vet the code, which might help to mitigate some of the risks associated with hidden secrets and exploitation of the AI's training methodology.

And about your point of building, training and vetting the AI ourselves being harder than setting up a buildbot environment: I agree, but the idea here is not to replace human compilers entirely... for now. Instead, the goal could be to have a tool that can aid in ensuring trustworthiness, especially for those of us without the technical background to compile code ourselves.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I understand your point about the transfer of trust, and it is indeed a serious concern. However, I believe there are measures that could be taken. I'm not an expert myself and I won't pretend to be one, but it occurs to me that eventually technology will evolve to the point where we could ask the AI to explain step by step how it arrived at the final result. We could also potentially perform audits by cherry-picking the final results from different software to assess their accuracy.

If we were to use Open Source AI projects (like GPT4all, for example), maybe eventually we could run these codes 100% locally and privately. Naturally, I understand that we are far from this scenario, either due to the resources required or the nature of the complexity involved. It's just an idea.

I would never think of bothering a developer by asking them to compile code step by step in front of me. First, because their time is valuable, and second, because the level of my questions would be frustrating. And third - and most importantly - because no one would accept such a whim.

However, I am willing to go step by step with an AI in some key software applications, such as communication, for example. Journalists or people in jobs where they cannot afford to trust blindly but lack the technical background might find benefit in these possibilities.


Hello everyone,

I apologize if this is a debate that has already taken place. Please delete the post, and kindly indicate where I can send my message.

We all know that in technology, there are always things where one has to accept trust in the developer(s), whether it's hardware or software. Some things are currently unavoidable to change in the short term, so that's not where I'm focusing my point.

But something bothers me about "Open-Source" applications. I don't know how to compile, and I'm not willing to dedicate so many hours of my life to learning it. So, in addition to trusting reputable companies, I now choose to trust a reputable person or group, who likely receives code audits for their open-source code. However, these audits are based on the open-source code, not on what ends up being compiled for my final consumer execution. In the end, each project is a bucket of trust unless I know how to compile. And even then, there may be ways that something slips past us, but I understand that it would at least reduce the risk. I read that F-Droid did this: they didn't trust the app creator, but rather compiled their own version from the open-source code. It seemed fantastic to me, but the problem was always the delay.

The question is: Couldn't a program with AI be created to compile any GitHub repository directly? It would eliminate the need to trust even the developer themselves; we would only have to trust their code, as we already do today, and the audits would finally have real value. We would know that what we receive is that code.

I would also love for the concept of Flatpak to be like this: that the developer doesn't sign the binary, but only signs the code, and Flathub (or some backend) creates everything automatically. And if there are doubts about Flathub or any other backend, users could do it locally. It would be a bit more tedious, but its value in privacy would be enormous.

By the way, if any of this already works this way and I am confused, please enlighten me.

Thank you very much, everyone!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

A nice solution is a domain which only job is to translate everything to the right instance (most popular). Like lemmyweb.xyz lemmyweb.org lemmyweb.etc (many domains owned by different ONG with the same "script" so there is no one single point of failure). The first time you login to this domain you select your user / pass and instance. And then it's all automatic. I don't know if what I'm saying has any sense.