emit ≠ reflect
Books with white pages don't emit light, a screen with white backgrounds does
watch in a private window
something something
Shisa Yaibiin
Selamat Pagi
Balsamic Vinegar
Is this a Hercules/Heracles joke?
you are your brain. You feel pain, therefore your brain feels pain. It doesn't have any pain receptors in the organ of the brain, but it interprets and feels signals from those receptors throughout your body.
Edit: it can also feel sadness, anger, hatred, depression, etc. All of which could be called being in pain. You wouldn't tell a depressed person on a ledge that they're not in pain
The Isle of Lifelong Friends
what was the name of that island, again? Galpalia?
~~Type 2 diabetes~~ death by heart attack at 19
Personally I started a new game on Very Hard with 2.0 and it was much harder than 1.x, at least in the beginning
If you haven't seen it, I implore you to watch the Studio Ghibli film Whisper of the Heart. This song features heavily. It's my favorite Ghibli film, heck it's possibly my favorite film period.
I like it on certain sites like YouTube where I can read the comments while watching the video if I want to, but for the majority of sites and especially if the video's an ad/not the main focus of the page the website can fuck right off.