stdbool.h (along with float.h, limits.h, stdarg.h, stddef.h, stdint.h, and some other library facilities) is required to be provided even in freestanding environment so, at least as long as you use an ISO C conformant compiler, you can always include those even if you don’t have a libc implementation
What’s your backer number? I filled in the survey right as they sent out the link to it and still nothing despite being one of the first 500 people to back this project
I didn’t even know chimeraOS existed while having known about chimera Linux for years so I guess that shows you how much the name clash matters
Make sure there’s only one strong reference and call Arc::into_inner to move it out of the Arc. Same can be done with Mutex::into_inner to move the transaction out of the mutex
People who received early units like reviewers already got access to all the repos, they said they’re preparing them for making them public and will do so before/just as first units start shipping
Never mind, it fixed itself just now, thanks for the great app!
I used to be a TestFlight tester but I got removed and all I can see now when clicking the join link is that I was removed from the program ):
Yet here we are, both chatting on this social media and I don’t believe either of us had to dig in and debug lemmy to get here
I agree it’s not user friendly (at least not as userfriendly as centralized platforms are) but I’m sorry I really doubt he has master’s in CS and if he does he bullshitted his way through to get it
If you’re 3 thousand kilometers away from it I’d make it into a headless machine by unplugging the internal display and getting a kvm for it. Or just make sure you have contact with someone who can type in commands for you when anything goes really sideways