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[–] nikita 4 points 11 months ago

I believe another one of their goals was to grow neurons out of their own human cells and then see who in the lab has the neurons most capable of playing doom. Or maybe verse each other in quake and see whose neurons win.

[–] nikita 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

You’re effectively proposing government subsidized housing as well as a direct tax on rental income. As in the landlords are encouraged to charge less for rent because the government is chipping in by covering a percentage of their tax, resulting in lower rents for tenants. Under this system, people’s taxes would pay for everyones rent.

Not a bad idea. In fact, it probably exists somehow already under some governments.

[–] nikita 3 points 11 months ago

Thank you. I will say that I listed a lot permadeath roguelikes and not everyone is into those. They can be very frustrating.

[–] nikita 26 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (5 children)

Gunpoint. Story based detective game where you solve a murder. Gameplay mechanics make you feel like a badass. You can pretty much finish it in a single sitting but its great.

Heat signature. A stealth based top down bounty hunter game with roguelike elements. Really well done. Made by the same guy that made Gunpoint.

Neo scavenger. A murder hobo roguelike with a surprisingly long storyline.

Super house of dead ninjas. Great fast paced platformer where you’re a badass ninja. Great to pick up and play in short bursts.

Fez. 2D exploration platformer with to change the perspective. Pretty chill and has a cool art style

More well known games that I’ll list anyway in case someones looking for some awesome ones:

Super meat boy

Project zomboid



Crypt of the necrodancer

Enter the gungeon


Noita. Saw it mentionned in this thread and I am seconding this. Great game. But brutal as fuck.

Cave story. A classic. And it’s free.

Owlboy. Took the developer like 10-15 years to make. I’ve heard good things but I’m only just starting to play it.

Also pro tip: if you want more recommendations go look at what speedrunners are playing. People that spend that much time playing a single game over and over generally choose very good games to play.

[–] nikita 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The point is that a proportional voting system would be more democratic overall. There would still be a right and left wing split but it would allow for many more parties with differing perspectives to exist within it.

Coalitions are always a possibility but I’d rather have two left and right wing coalitions made up of 5+ parties than a two party system as coalitions are less likely to be as unified. Also more diversity probably reduces corruption and regional grassroots movements may have an easier path towards attaining political power.

And like you said, such a change wouldn’t prevent fascism from taking hold either. Fascism never respects democracy and as such it cannot be dealt with by changing our voting systems. Rather, I believe the best way to deal with it is to explicitely ban it by law, paradox of intolerance style. In other words, you shouldnt be able to vote for someone who doesn’t believe in voting or in democracy. Also education is very important in this matter like you said.

[–] nikita 4 points 11 months ago (3 children)

I was so jealous when I found out they have SVT in Australia. We need something like that here. I hope they at least get to have a discussion about it during these talks.

Having a good voting system means a better democracy and more accountability placed on the politicians to represent the people. With FPTP, Trudeau doesn’t have to care as much if he fucks up and gets the left wingers to dislike him because he knows that they will vote for him anyway in order to prevent a conservative majority. With SVT for instance we will just vote Trudeau away when he does some bullshit in favour of an NDP government or other.

Increased accountability is especially important because we need those fuckers to address the climate crisis and a more democratic voting system would mean there would be real consequences for the politicans if they fail to do so.

[–] nikita 7 points 11 months ago

I agree. The US doesn’t listen to us and if they go all fascist we shouldn’t listen to them either. Regardless, we should endeavour to set an example for them to follow. Whether they follow it or not is up to them of course.

[–] nikita 11 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I understand where you are coming from but I don’t think it would be that bad. I mean if I recall correctly even within the US there are some areas that use daylight savings and some that don’t. And Canada switching would encentivize the US to switch.

[–] nikita 7 points 11 months ago

I wouldn’t feel too bad for mistaking a Canadian for an American. Our accents sound so similar that I don’t think its a big deal, especially for non native, or non North American english speakers.

That’s what I tell every Canadian I know who’s travelling anyhow. Just kindly tell them you are Canadian if they ever refer to you as American. Or carry Canadian insignia if you are concerned about it.

[–] nikita 32 points 11 months ago (10 children)

Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, I hope this makes the Canadian government realize that it needs take a more independent stance from the US in terms of its policies. Because right now our politicians don’t even want to change the daylight savings time policy without US states agreeing to it at the same time.

[–] nikita 33 points 11 months ago (6 children)

Fuck Notepad. All my homies use Kate.

[–] nikita 5 points 11 months ago

Those crazy people wont have a reason to leave the US though. They basically dont even know we exist anyhow.

The ones we want, the smart people, are the ones that will move. And we could definitely use more skilled labourers to build those homes we are missing for example. Plus, Americans are already proficient in English so could work real well wherever they go.

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