[-] [email protected] 28 points 11 months ago

To understand why this is happening, you have to go back in history to the end of the slave trade. When the ability to kidnap people from Africa and bring them back to enslave them was legally ended, the white enslavers realized that the only way they could keep slavery going was to force people to breed more slaves. Google that history. It is utterly abhorrent but necessary to understand where the Republican Party is coming from today.

Since the end of slavery, a certain contingent in the U.S. has never gotten over the fact that they couldn't legally have a sub-class of citizens that they could use for free or nearly-free labor. So they kept trying to find other ways to keep people oppressed, and they expanded that oppression beyond just black people and to any of the "less desirable" groups. Think not just Black people, but also Irish, immigrants, Appalachia. They pit these groups against one another because divided people are easier to control. But the goal is the same - have large groups of people poor for generations who have no other option but to work for slave wages and keep the people at the top very, very rich.

Slavery in the U.S. was a huge economic force, one that a certain contingent (the very wealthy) never got over losing. The next best thing was to create whole groups of people who are desperate enough to work for almost nothing. That's what we have in this country now. And it works best if those people are constantly putting out more children. That keeps them even more stuck and more desperate, and it keeps a steady supply of cheap labor coming.

It's no coincidence that they want abortion ended but also want to ensure those same people are continually subjected to sub-standard education, that those same people are "allowed" to send their kids to work (defeating years of progress through child labor laws), that those people are also unable to access higher education, government benefits, or virtually anything that could potentially make their lives better.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 11 months ago

Yes, I have observed this and it is very frustrating. In many cases, these "articles" are opinion pieces being circulated by those with a financial interest in commercial real estate (or someone carrying the water of someone who has such an interest). Those who have any sort of financial interest in commercial real estate are going to be against remote work for obvious reasons.

Cities and real estate moguls arguing that people have to engage in an absolutely fruitless, draining, exhausting, expensive commute to keep a handful of people rich. They want to punish you to keep some elite people rich.

What needs to happen is workers need to fight back as much as possible. If your job can be done remotely, make it a priority to work for a company that allows you to do your job remotely. There's NOTHING about my job that requires me to go into an office. I have worked successfully at home for many years and if my organization required me to come in, I would do everything I could to leave and find something else that allowed me to telework. If you're looking for a job and have the luxury of being a little bit choosy, let recruiters know you will ONLY consider remote options.

Anecdotally, I think these opinion pieces are way overblown. My spouse was recently contacted by a recruiter about a job. The job was not remote and my spouse told the recruiter they would only consider remote-only options. The recruiter sighed and said, "That is what I keep getting told."

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve traveled to quite a few national parks but New River Gorge was an amazing surprise. It’s the newest national park and doesn’t get a lot of attention but it is absolutely stunning. The hiking was amazing, as was the white water rafting. And the nearby town of Fayetteville was a pleasant surprise as well. Hidden gem.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

The thing is, they are only uncomfortable with it because some fascist politician is telling them to be uncomfortable with it. I am a same-sex married person with children. When people are face-to-face with a regular person like myself who happens to be married to someone of the same gender and has kids, most people actually have very little problem with it. But then some politician feeds them lies, lies that are then propagated on Facebook or Twitter, and suddenly they have an issue with the concept.

What is happening in Italy terrifies me. It's terrifying because it is the same slippery slope Russia went down and the same slippery slope we're heading down in the USA. We're watching it happen in real time with kids who are transgender. The GOP is not stopping there. They have already shown they are a full-on fascists. They will not stop until the USA is their authoritarian utopia.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 1 year ago

This is what gets me. Christian Selig pointed out in a number of interviews that Reddit could have easily made this work without alienating a huge segment of their user base. I get this vague feeling lately like CEOs are intentionally trying to tank their products, because no one so well paid could actually act so dumb.

[-] [email protected] 81 points 1 year ago

Here’s my hope as a 40-something who came of age when the internet was just taking off.

I REALLY HOPE this is the push we need to move away from corporate-owned social media. I have high hopes for federated platforms and forums that are much more like what the internet was when it started (but better because now we have mobile devices).

I realize a lot of people see social media as being some evil thing, but we also fail to realize how much good it has done. Marginalized communities have come together online and formed real movements. People living with health conditions have been connected to one another for support and also life-changing resources and care. People who were isolated because of disability found communities.

I would like to see old-fashioned blogs and RSS make a comeback. I’d like to see forums and federated sites like Lemmy take off. I’d like to see social media sites that have been given way too much weight in society collapse. I don’t think government or reputable media outlets should ever be using a corporate for-profit entity as a means for distributing information.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Loving the app! Really nice UI and I love the themes. Is there any plan to add the ability to have the selected light or dark theme change automatically with the system settings?

Dexcom News (youtu.be)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Enjoyed this interview with the Dexcom CEO about upcoming Dexcom news.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago

So a few things. This is a CVS minute-clinic visit, not a visit to a general provider. The minute clinics have contracts with insurance companies that look a bit different in terms of what and who they are permitted by the insurance companies to treat. There are some really odd variations in these contracts by insurance companies for reasons that are not always grounded in science.

This, as you've noted, is an unfortunate reality of a for-profit health care system that is dictated by private companies, insurance companies, and mind-bogglingly complex contracts that sit between providers and patients. The most annoying part IMO is that insurance companies provide zero transparency into these contracts and the justification behind decisions. It's all "business decisions" at the end of the day, not decisions that are medically sound and in the best interest of the patient.

And for those wondering why OP maybe just didn't go to a "regular doctor" - the U.S. has a horrible shortage of general practitioners (primary care) physicians. This shortage is worse in some areas than others. And even if you're lucky to live in an area that has general practitioners, the waiting list to get into their practices might be long. This leaves many people relying on a "doc in the box" aka CVS Minute Clinic or some similar outfit. These doc in the box clinics often only have a nurse or nurse practitioner on site, with a supervising physician off side. They are for-profit entities and they work with the insurance companies to design their contracts to maximize profit.

If you ever find yourself in OP's physician, one easy way to get around this is to indicate that the visit is for something more general, like abdominal pain or unexplained fever. While the staff still might refer you off to another provider, it might be a good way to at least "get in" with someone.

Another option is to visit a local urgent care clinic if one is available and covered by insurance. These are often staffed by actual physicians so they can treat a wider range of conditions. Many often even have testing facilities right on site for a number of issues.

Finally, another option is to call your insurance company and see if they have an over-the-phone nurse consultant available. They can usually help direct you to the right location for treatment based on your symptoms and insurance coverage.

But yes, OP, I agree with you that we need something better. Medicaid and Medicare have slowly been expanding and my hope is that they will eventually expand enough to cover all Americans. it has been proven that they can still operate without completely decimating the insurance industry (see Medicare and Medicaid managed care). While I don't agree with for-profit health insurance, the reality is that they are a lobbying force that has to be worked with if we are going to get everyone universal coverage.

Source: Health policy professional by trade, extensive experience within the health care industry

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago

Don’t go back. Even if Reddit makes concessions, the CEO has shown that he will do whatever he wants and doesn’t give a crap about the users of Reddit, you know, the people who actually make him money. Any site controlled by a CEO is at risk of this happening.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago

Highly doubt it. I've been watching coverage and it seems pretty unlikely they will be found before their oxygen runs out (assuming they are even still alive and haven't died as a result of an implosion).

What irks me with all the coverage, however, is that no one is pointing out the potential harm to all the people involved in trying to rescue these people. The Coast Guard and other outfits undertaking the rescue attempts are put in danger the whole time they are out there. And of course there's the cost involved as well.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I don't care how much money I had, there's no fucking way I would have gotten on that thing or done anything that involved going down into the ocean at that depth.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One of the things that attracted me to Obsidian was the flat, local file structure that (in theory) would allow me to use other apps on conjunction with Obsidian by accessing the same “vault” (aka, file folder on my computer).

In reality this has been a bit more difficult, as apps vary in terms of how they access files or use file names.

I do use Taio alongside Obsidian on my iPhone and that works well. But curious if there are other apps, particularly on mobile, that play nicely with Obsidian.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago

Reddit is only valuable because of the content users provide. If you don’t post valuable content, the site is worthless. Reddit can force subs back open, but they can’t force users to submit the content that makes the site valuable to begin with.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Curious to know if there are any DIY Loopers on here. I started DIY Looping with Omnipod back when it was released (I think 2019). Been Looping ever since. Really enjoyed this recent video about DIY Loop and its origins.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently watched this video about the iLet bionic pancreas. Curious of what others think about this device?

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago

I think it’s the fallout of allowing private companies to monetize the internet. Way back in the early days of the internet, it was a pretty de-centralized experience. Then we started centralizing things, companies realized there was revenue to be made, and those companies (because they were corporations) valued the money over the people. Capitalism, basically. Only way to fight this is to take the internet back to what it was in about 2006.

If people don’t use Reddit or Twitter or Facebook, those companies have very little value. The value in any social media is generated by the people who use those things. If there’s no people, there’s no value.

Welcome! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself here. Like many, I am someone who was active on both /r/diabetes and /r/diabetes_t1 over on Reddit and am hoping to recreate some semblance of a community here. I've been a T1 since 1983 and am currently using the Omnipod and Dexcom G7 with DIY Loop. Diabetes has definitely been a struggle for me at times, but I am really fortunate that I've been able to access such amazing technology.

So who else is here?

[-] [email protected] 80 points 1 year ago

That's what Huffman was saying BEFORE the blackout. Now that 8476/8838 subreddits are currently dark, I wonder what he would say now? I don't really see how Reddit recovers from this. It's sad because I loved it and there's nothing else like it (yet), but there would need to be some major changes taking place before a lot of people consider venturing back.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am setting up this community for those of us with T1 diabetes who want a place to connect online.

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joined 1 year ago