Wer mit der Hand schreibt, lernt besser. Auch fördert das Handschreiben die Feinmotorik. Ich selbst bin seit 25 Jahren aus der (allgemeinbildenden) Schule raus, und habe im Anschluss daran fast nur noch mit dem Computer gearbeitet (90%) - sehr zu Lasten meines Schriftbildes.
Auf der Arbeit haben wir ein Laptop, bei dem der An/Aus-Knopf neben der Entfernen-Taste angeordnet ist (obere Tastenreihe, Tastatur mit Nummernblock). Zwar kann man softwaremäßig einstellen, dass der Rechner nicht direkt herunterfährt, aber es ist halt trotzdem noch nervig, wenn man auf den Sperrbildschirm gelangt (Windows).
Mit viel Wohlwollen könnte man ja noch halbwegs die Entscheidung nachvollziehen, warum eine solche Taste mittendrin angeordnet ist (z.B. wenn die ausgelöste Taste einen neuen Videocall startet oder die Suche öffnet oder es irgendein anderer nutzloser Bullshit wäre - oder eben auch ein Screenshot). Aber beim An/Aus-Schalter? Wer denkt sich bitte: Joa, lass uns mal den An/Aus-Schalter neben die Entfernen-Taste legen, dann kann der User den Rechner schneller ausschalten...
Dass für die eigentliche Produktivität unnütze Funktionen mittels Tasten an Stellen gelegt werden, bei denen die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch ist, dass man ausversehen diese auslöst, erinnert ein bisschen an die Handys der frühen 2000er Jahre. Dort gab es auch Modelle, bei denen prominent platzierte Tasten die Internetfunktion (WAP ?) eingeschaltet haben. Ausgerechnet diese Tasten ließen sich auch nicht umprogrammieren.
"House of the Rising Sun" has been covered numerous times. The most known version is from The Animals. I was today years old when I learned that this is the original version of the song. However, my personal favourite cover version is from BTO.
Another well-executed cover version is of the song "Johnny B. Goode", covered by Peter Tosh, beause it is tranferred into a different music genre.
I start with the easiest part: The gas tank cap on the rear left side and the towing hook cap on the right front bumper. These parts were done surprisingly fast (15 min. each). Also the lock on the drivers door (5 min.).
Most tedious: the windshield wipers. Mostly because they were so small compared to the rest of the cars parts, which made it hard to navigate and zoom (already switched the units to millimeters, but still), and all three (2 in front, 1 in back) were individually shaped, so no mirror modifier could be applied). I just had to pull through during weekdays evenings. I would guess it took me 10 hours for all of them.
Medium: the front bumper with the fog lights and the lower grille as well as the upper grille: This took me a whole Saturday and Sunday; the upper grille was made during the weekdays - I would say 3 - 4 hours.
Hard: the inner structure of the front light. I had multiple photos of the light from top, side, front, etc. The main problem was that this thing is made of chrome (and plastic probably) which it made it hard to see the form/shape. And since everything else is made with eye measure, I had to alter the size and proportions to fit into the model. The problem was that when I (thought) I was finished, it stuck out of the side of the front glass cover. So I had to scale it down and had to re-arrange everything. I also made some simplicfications for the reflector. In the model it looks more like a disco ball. That is not the case with the real thing, but it was easier to merge a sphere with extruded lines to archive the relector-type appearence. See photos. This part took me the longest. I would guess it took the whole weekend (Saturday and Sunday) as well as some days during the week - approximately 25 - 30 hours.
My only question is why that car?
I own this car. It was easy for me to get photos of various things that helped modelling the structure.
without a doubt the worst vehicle I’ve ever driven
I've driven worse. But I can see your point. Compared to other cars there is not much comfort in driving. You always have to account for the price this vehicle is being sold (for this model in particular the price for a brand new car was at 10.000 €, with the most basic trim an the basic 1-l-engine). However, my car even has AC (for overtaking another vehicle one needs to switch it off so you have more power to the engine) and electric windows (but no switch on the drivers side for the passenger door). And it has a real dashboard with the instruments on the drivers side behind the steering wheel and a glove box with lid on the passenger side. Most small cars have that weird arrangement where the instruments are located in the center console and just a shelf for a glove box. When I was in Bavaria with its hill topography I had to even shift into lower gears on the autobahn because the engine is so weak - a thing which todays cars is not usual anymore. But fuel consumption ( - 4.8 l/100 km or 49 MPG) as well as maintenance (no issues so far at - 120.000 km or 74564 miles) and taxation is very wallet friendly - and it beats walking!
Yes, I noticed that when the pictures were done rendering. I don't know where it's coming from. At first I thought that there was a problem with the mesh (i.e. not connected vertices) but the structure is fine. I haven't investigated further, but it probably has to do someting with the material itself. For the sparkling effect I applied a voronoi noise which is scaled up.
This is because there are no further lights than the HDRI background image present at the moment. The correct setup with the background picture an proper lighting will be the next step. I am testing various HDRIs for the correct color and reflectiveness of the cars' painting, since the appearence is different with each scenery. The rendering you are referring to is the "best" compromise (without putting any further effort) yet.
Last Week Tonight
Map Men
Rob Words
Space Matters
Technology Connections
These are the ones I watch regularly. Most of these channels offer educational content.
I bet that is on purpose.
An interesting Article, why journalists - not police - found her whereabouts:
Some parts translated into Englisch below:
Journalists had already tracked down the ex-terrorist, who had been in hiding for 30 years, in Berlin last year. In the rbb podcast "Most Wanted: Where is RAF terrorist Daniela Klette?", Khesrau Behroz and Patrick Stegemann report on how they followed up on a listener's tip and, together with an expert from the Bellingcat research platform, pursued concrete leads in Berlin.
The method: Michael Colborne from Bellingcat uploaded old mugshots of Klette to the site Pimeyes - an AI tool for facial recognition on the internet. Private photos apparently showing Klette appeared in the search results.
Klette had been in hiding for 30 years, but Corborne's search only lasted 30 minutes, according to his own statement. After their research, the two podcasters even visited the Berlin club where Klette had trained for a long time under the name "Claudia Ivone", says Khesrau Behroz in an interview with ZDFheute. They also discovered a Facebook account for Klette with the false name. However, the trail was lost in the club - Klette had not appeared for training for years, they said.
But if it was so easy for journalists to track down Daniela Klette in Berlin and even find out her cover name - why did the investigating authorities have no trace of the former RAF terrorist for so long? Couldn't target investigators have simply fed Pimeyes with the mugshots?
In principle, the use of such tools by the police is subject to strict data protection limits. Photos obtained in the course of investigations may not simply be passed on to third parties by the police at any time. When asked by ZDFheute, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) stated that the use of such facial recognition tools is only legally permissible in the context of a court-ordered public search. In Klette's case, however, this has been the case for decades.
It is unclear whether the podcasters' findings ultimately led to Klette's arrest. According to the police, the decisive tip-off came from the public last November.
Springt dann wenigstens ein gesetzlicher Feiertag für uns alle dabei raus? Oder ist das dann eher so was wie der Weltspartag?
Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach wird dies eine Veranstaltung werden, die mit viel Tamtam und viel Beweihräucherung sehr beschönigend auf die Herausforderungen der Streitkräfte eingeht. Keine Erwähnung wird der desolate Zustand von Material und Arbeitsbedingungen finden - man kennt ja die zahlreichen Meldungen (ein Bruchteil der Panzer, Uboote, Flugzeuge sind einsatzbereit, es gibt keine Schlüpper für die Soldaten, Nachtsichtgeräte müssen mit Kameraden geteilt werden,...).
Wie schon weiter unten erwähnt, lockt man eher diejenigen mit einem solchen Veteranentag an, die man lieber nicht in der Bundeswehr hätte.