I don't think you should take that as a main/sole argument against using a pump, there are many other pump manufacturerers oit there. I fir example am very happy with ma Dana i. (Apperently unlike the Omnipod, which seems very odd to me tbh) it has some saftey functions built into the device itself, so even if the controling software on my phone fucks up and doesn't respect it's hard limits the pumps driver still will. Unlike Apps or any management software I imagine the driver to be quite simple and thus less prone to errors like that.
Fänd ich fast sinnvoll
In a few decades maybe. Or in a non-voting manner similar to norway, but with how they sabotaged the eu from the inside while they were in it and the very conservative politics over there I don't think the UK rejoining as a full member would be beneficial to the EU at this point.
Nils Hartwig. Und der Schatzmeister der JA und bayerische Landtagsabgeordnete Franz Schmid erklärte die AfD zur "Partei der autochthonen [ursprünglichen, eingeborenen] Deutschen".
Ich bin ehrlich, ich verfolge in letzter Zeit nicht so viele Nachrichten (eigentlich nur ab und an die Tagesschau App, Netzpolitik und Links über die ich im Fediverse stolper) und bin immer wieder überrascht, wie rechtsextrem/faschistisch die AFD ist, im oberflächlichen öffentlichen Diskurs kommen solche Aussagen von denen selten auf.
Yeah, they are
Its the average for Q1 23: [https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/535119/umfrage/mietpreise-auf-dem-wohnungsmarkt-in-berlin/](statisa 2023)
Germans typically stay far longer in their rented homes
Yeah, partially because you can not find anything new at nearly the same price
, which are cheaper
For those with old contracts, Berlin for example is at 13€/m^2 for new rentals. With a median household income of 2117€/month that would be a 54 m^2 appt for one household assuming you spent 1/3 of your income on rent.
(All of that even assuming you can find an appartment at all)
Huh, seems cheap
Not with the context provided litteraly the sentence before:
The shocking death came amid warnings of rising violence against France’s mayors, many of them from small rural villages. France has around 36,000 mayors. According to a recent poll, the number of verbal and physical attacks against them rose by 15 per cent last year after a record 32 per cent rise the previous year.
Idk if you ment mormon or moron and I love that both would fit the context
I wish. I pay 30€ for ~24 Mbits