
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

This has always been the whole point behind the Trojan Horse that is systemd. Now that Poettering/Red Hat control the entire userspace across virtually all distros, he/they can use it as a vehicle to force all of them to adopt whatever bullshit he thinks of next.

This is what the Linux ecosystem gave away when they tossed their simple init system to adopt the admittedly convenient solution that is systemd. But in reality, the best solution was always to drop init, and instead replace it with an alternative that was still simple to replace if the need should arise. But now that everyone is stuck on systemd, they're all at the mercy of Poettering's Next Stupid Idea.

Convenience comes at a price. systemd is the Google Chrome of Linux userspace. Get out while you can.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

Completely agree. He just needs to look within his own borders to see why. The Left Alliance scores the largest bloc of the election; then Macron spurns them and looks to the right for a Prime Minister instead. Are we really supposed to believe him when he says he's shocked that people are losing faith in the system?

At this point, it's hard to see how he can be this stupid. The man is a liar and always has been. He understands well that to build trust (no matter with whom - either the Left Alliance in his own country or the Global South, or anyone else), he has to back down and learn to compromise.

But for him, it's much easier to pretend that he doesn't know what's going on, bury his head in the sand, and continue with the status quo - the way he's paid to do.


"Wherever I go, I find myself confronted with the accusations of double standards," said EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell at Oxford University in May. At last year's Munich Security Conference (MSC), French President Emmanuel Macron said: "I am struck by how much we are losing the trust of the Global South."

Eisentraut makes this clear in her brief: The criticism of Western double standards is often justified. For example, countries from the Global South point out that the US and other Western states insist on the principle of the territorial integrity in Ukraine, but did not respect this principle during the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Western states have often disregarded human rights by carrying out illegal detentions as part of their war on terror. And the Europeans have made common cause with North African autocrats in order to prevent migration to Europe.

However, Eisentraut also points out that critics from countries such as China and Russia often use their accusations to relativize their own violations. Or they use them to justify an approach to foreign policy that is no longer based on moral principles at all, but only on their own interests. The result is that the value of universal rules is being questioned around the world.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Not just the hardware. I far prefer icons from that time as well. I hate the modern trend of flat icons with no details. They look like someone mashed them out after 5 minutes in Krita and then drugged their management into believing that it was a recreation of the Mona Lisa.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Mozilla 2017: Competing with Chrome is hard. What if we break all existing extensions and never let people replace them all?

This is the one that broke my back. Understandable that XPCOM extensions had to go, but leaving nothing to replace them, and then going on to push their trash UI redesigns without giving us any recourse to change them back - that was just unforgivable.

Then again, that was still well before they started pushing spyware in their own browser, so in retrospect, those were very quaint times!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Search engines are websites that people used to go to in order to get helpful information. These days, they just spam out a bunch of SEO garbage, AI-generated bullshit, and ads.

Google, probably

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Considering how great these "market economics" have been working out for us these past 50 years, it's really hard to see why....

But yes, I'm sure he'll have all the answers.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What annoys me most is typical liberals like this talk about "the economy" in a singular sense, and whether something can be simply "good" or "bad" for the economy as a whole. To them, "good for the economy" is a translation for the ultra-wealthy getting even wealthier (because they are the ones most invested in it). No consideration of whether this is beneficial for average people or not. I suppose we're supposed to be happy that our overlords are padding their accounts with even more zeroes? Hooray......

I really hope that we can try to change the dialogue around what the economy really is and how its effects are not uniform across the entire human population.


A great introduction to what traces and spans are, how they work, and the OpenTelemetry Protocol


“We seem to have lost our belief in a market economy somewhat and our trust that letting go can lead to something great,” he said. “The government does not have to subsidise and compensate for everything. People flourish in freedom, as does innovation. And that is what we need to drive up productivity.”

Separate article with more details on the proposed budget.


The researchers found sweeping changes in overall brain neuroanatomy which unfolded week by week during the pregnancy.

Inside Chrastil's brain, grey matter volume, cortical thickness, white matter microstructure, and ventricle volume all changed.

The changes were all over the brain too — "over 80% of my brain regions showed reductions in grey matter volume," Chrastil said.

Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy. Published by Pritschet, L., Taylor, C.M., Cossio, D. et al. in Nature Neuroscience (September 2024).

[–] [email protected] 31 points 2 weeks ago

Indeed, Reddit was a great example of this. All of the stupid things they tried to pull off in the past few years (selling user data, turning off the API, insulting their users, VPN blocking, to name a few) would have not worked when they were a growing website. Now that they have so many low quality users, they can do that successfully because they know that said users are too dumb to realize how they're being abused. Even larger websites like Twitter and Facebook operate this way.

The takeaway here is: don't focus on having many users, focus on having good users. All relationships are a two-way street, and if you're on the side of the street with too many people, you don't have any personal leverage on your own. It's in your best interests to get out of that relationship.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 2 weeks ago

In some countries, there are already.

In others, it will be up to courts to decide whether this is illegally firing staff. That said, good luck getting equal legal representation to these trillion-dollar companies.

So yes, basically, it's legal.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Beautiful Game 3 between GG and Tundra. I always feel like GG's strategies are very fragile, but they proved that it's more resilient than I thought. A really nice demonstration of how they can still push their early game advantages late and win, and overall, their map movements lategame looked amazing. I've also been very impressed with how Quinn has been playing. He does so much for them in all of their teamfights.

I'll be cheering for GG in the final, but can't be upset with whoever wins. All 10 of them deserve it so much.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I hear what you're saying regarding the production, but I like it. Overall, it feels like it has been a very chill and enjoyable TI. Sure, Valve is in vesting less and less in TI over the years, but at the same time, I don't think it's sustainable to make TI a huge event every year. We had that for the first ~10 TIs, but now I would be happy to just see a fun event each year that's great while not being over the top.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

CIS is still pretty good in my opinion. BetBoom exceeded my expectations, and if they had an easier draw, I think they would have made top 6. They did look pretty terrible against Falcons though. And Spirit had a pretty good season overall - they did win a few tournaments if I'm not mistaken. They just looked like they didn't understand the meta all that well. I also wonder if they have been a bit spoiled by success, and maybe lost their drive to win to some extent. 1W didn't look that bad either to be honest.

But agreed on the other regions. It really sucks because it just doesn't feel like Dota is a global game anymore, sadly.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm getting IP-banned using yt-dlp. It seems that this is a known issue. Have any of you run into this, and if so, what has been your solution?

I currently use a VPN via a VPS. I am able to view youtube via the web client and use youtube-dl without VPN, but I am only unable to get through using the CLI on the VPN. I have also tried fiddling with some CLI args (like --extractor-args "youtube:player_client=web") but that is also unsuccessful.

My next step is to try signing up for mullvad to see if I can get around it that way, but would like to hear if this is affecting existing mullvad users.

Open to hearing other solutions as well. Thanks!


This is a very easy-to-read book on the implementation of xv6, which is a basic unix-like operating system written for educational purposes. xv6 itself is a very simple and straightforward kernel and the source code can be found here.

I've been reading it casually over the past few weeks and found that it helped me get a better understanding of many basic operating system concepts. I've also enjoyed reading the source code to understand what a basic implementation of common system calls could look like.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've used a US-QWERTY keyboard layout my entire life. I've seen other layouts that do things like reduce the size of the enter/backspace keys, move the pipe operator (|) and can't wrap my head around how I would code on those.

What are your experiences? Are there any layouts that you prefer for coding over US English? Are there any symbols that you have a hard time reaching ($ for example)?


We are sad to announce @saksadota will be taking an extended break due to health reasons and will not be on our active roster. We wish him all the healing and success possible. Thank you, Martin, for playing a pivotal role in our TI victory. You’ll forever be a part of our legacy and the Tribe.

Maybe they should sign Fata to take his place?

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