Tusk nawet do wyborów nie dotrwał, a obietnice łamie już z wielką śmiałością.
Spoiler alert: pierwszy krok jest też ostatnim.
I don't believe critique of JK Rowling is left wing extremism although book burning as a form of consumer boycott seems to be rather counterproductive.
How about banning public book burning in general? Not a lot of good memories related to that.
Want to keep burning books? Have waste collection services provide a pickup point. Then they can do it in some industrial incinerator so you'll have your book burned but without providing media with an easy outrage (unless you wanted outrage?).
Book burning seems to be a tool of right wing extremism, even when it's used against right wing extremists of some other kind, there's very little benefit to the society.
Also obligatory, fuck organized religion.
Yeah, it's surprising since it should have lower CPU overhead. Here's Digital Foundry analysis: https://youtu.be/V9Kc8025H7U
9/6 is the PS5 date. Still no word from Larian on the Mac date - the last I heard was when they originally announced it would be delayed, and that they didn't want to give a date and not meet it.
I just checked Wikipedia which I think I got it from and it states 9/6 but the link cited as source doesn't state it anywhere.
I was similarly disappointed but IIRC it was delayed to September 6th.
I wonder how will it run in Act 3 since DX11 is so much more performant than Vulkan and I assume they use either MoltenVK or straight Metal. It's likely the reason for the delay.
You're already trying too hard but are also not extreme enough to win. Sorry.
There's an election in Poland in 2 months and PiS is campaigning on military security so take everything they say with a grain of salt.
Non-paywall link via Canadian Bloomberg:
I think it's just the first step since VBA is in a dire need of a replacement.
Around the time Office 365 rolled out and replaced Office 2023 at my old job we've had a crapload of old VBA tools just refuse to work. Those tools were in use for 10-15 years sometimes with barely any maintenance required.
Then with O365 some calls to certain 3rd party libraries resulted in Excel crashing without any single error message, stack, nothing. At that time everyone understood they need to get off that ship ASAP, corporate policies got super strict on end user created stuff. PowerBI and Power Automate are not there to replace it and I think MS feels threatened.
Zważywszy na to, że elektorat PiSu to w znaczącej mierze osoby starsze, mamy świetny przykład tego jak bardzo są oderwanym i samolubnym pokoleniem. 12% uważające problem mieszkalnictwa za istotny to generacyjny skandal.
Ci bliżej wieku emerytalnego lub na emeryturze chcieliby też, żeby młodzi utrzymywali ich najszybciej, mając w dupie to, że ich dzieci będą pracować do śmierci. Przynajmniej mała część jest świadoma tego, że część będzie bardziej zajęta nie ugotowaniem się za sprawą zmian klimatu.