You're a monster. My scps would go nowhere
It's the right move.
I tell you, the first time you're sat in front of a CEO and an auditor and you have to explain why the big list of servers has a highlighted one called C-NT-PRIK-5 is when the fun stops.
Explaining that it's short for 'customer network tester Mr. Prickles 5', and is actually a cacti server never really seems to help the situation.
At least a few of the customers got a laugh out of it being on the reports!
Username checks out
You had me digging through old hosts files and ssh configs to find some of these.
I try to name them something that resembles what they do or has something to do with what their purpose is.
Short is good, and if it can match more than one of the machine's purpose/os/software/look, the better.
If it's some sort of personal machine, it gets a personal name
- traveller
- pawn
- rook
- bishop
Virtual Workstations
ship lxc container host
dock docker host
- ciel Razer blade stealth with a rainbow LED keyboard
- arc runs arch.
- lled is a dell
- bench
- citadel
- bastion
I turned a $20 Mr Coffee in to an automated, autoshutoff masterpiece with a Shelly plug and home assistant.
It starts brewing 15m before the lights slowly ramp on in the morning, or if we're up early because of my kid, when I slap the smart button next to the bed. It also handles my living room curtains.
Currently working through an automated mold management system (robovac, air filters and quality sensors). I live on a tropical island, so this is super important, especially if you're not running aircon 24/7 because you don't want an $900 utility bill.
They've stuck it under its own app entry. Both K-9 and Thunderbird end at 8.2 for suggested releases.
I just installed Thunderbird, looks identical, just a rebrand. They're so identical the import function is ~~seamless~~ mostly seamless.
Not sure if it's a quirk of GrapheneOS or just the way things are now, but for gmail accounts, you'll need to go in to something like Settings > Account > fetching mail > incoming server and then hit next.
This will dump you back in to the google web login auth page, so you can approve the app for each account.
Otherwise, the sync and alert settings are copied just fine, so it's good enough.
Unless you run your own davmail server and connected to that instead, probably not.
I took out the garbage, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I would trade meticulous handover notes fit in to the working week if it meant I could work one week on, one week off.
I go to pornhub for the definite article
Perhaps it is a good day to die.
And that's exactly why they're in some part right. If you have enough money to buy scabs, and protection for the scabs, the union relies on the government making that illegal.
It's the break down of the pact. At a small scale anyway - obviously the longer it goes on and the further they go with the busting attempts, the more union actions will cause ripples in other industries, and solidarity movements. They can't buy protection everywhere, and if they try, it's escalation all the way to the bloodshed that wrote the pact in the first place.