
joined 1 year ago

I nuked my Reddit accounts today. Deleted all comments and posts, then the accounts themselves. The tool I used showed each comment as it was deleted, and it was bittersweet.

I watched old gaming and movie discussions I barely remember appear and then get flagged as deleted. Communities I once participated in and then moved on as the years past flashed by. I remembered how I felt back then, and then watched them scroll on into oblivion.

Now I feel...I guess it's grief. Sadness for that part that's gone. Sadness that it'll never be there again. Like footprints on a beach wiped away by the tide. It's like it never happened. There is no trace.

And I feel anger. Mad that it came to this. Mad that I let a corporation have so much of my time and thoughts. Mad that they made it clear my life was nothing but a product to them.

It's over now. Time for a new chapter.

Anyone else have strong feelings about losing a part of the past like this?

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I used Relay for years. I'd love to support the dev, but no way I'm paying Reddit anything directly or indirectly. They won't get my money, my content, or even my eyeballs if I can help it. They're extorting the users and the devs with this, and I'm not gonna reward them for bad behavior. Time to move on.


Anyone watch last night? What did you think of the unscripted format?

I found myself missing the presenters explaining the best musical noms before their performances, and the lifetime achievement also felt a little empty without a narration. But, the rest seemed really good. It was less bland reading from a prompt and more spontaneous, which gave the whole show a more intimate feel.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

12 years, and my days of contributing to Reddit are over. It's obvious they're more interested in money than the communities. It's best to walk away and move on.

I'll participate on here for now, and we'll see how it goes.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Best hunger mechanics are the ones that don't harm your character when you're hungry, but you do get a buff for eating.

Valheim's like that. Don't want to eat? Fine. Go multiple days without and you'll still be ok. But if you want your hp to be all it can be, you'll want to eat up before going out to fight.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Because C-Level people are more about "how can this company make money" and less about "how can this company treat its workers/customers well" (unless the latter leads to the former).

They are told that increasing value for the investors is the thing that matters. If you have to make "tough choices" that abuse the workers or destroy the brand, oh well. It's worth it if that revenue number keeps going up. To them, it's an acceptable loss to keep the board happy.

Every company that has VC, investors, or stock is going to be like this at one point or another. It's just getting more blatant and obvious now. Disney, WB, Netflix, Twitter, Reddit...it's a list that just keeps growing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

If what they're saying is true, that might happen anyway. A lot of moderation is done using third party bots that use the API. Without those, it all has to be done manually and no one has time for that. Even then a lot of the manual moderation is done using third party tools (again, impacted by the API change).

Reddit's about to pull an implosion that'll make Twitter and Digg look like blips. I got the heck out of there and now I'm just sitting back with my popcorn and tea watching it all burn down.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I played both Fable 3 and Assassin's Creed 3 and enjoyed them immensely. I don't always finish games, but I finished both of them. Then I went online and found out at the time both of them were considered the worst of their franchises. Shrug I still had fun, dangit.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's cliche, but Dark Side of the Moon. There's a reason it's on every list of all time best albums. The whole thing just flows so well together.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (8 children)

I'd rather crawl the 20 extra miles to a new community (and did) than use that app again. It's that bad. The reviews on Google Play are very telling. It's just a buggy mess.