Don't want to spoil anything but did you play any of the games? Now you know the backstory. It never was about Princess Peach
Still a leap from "grandfather from Argentina" to "his parents are from Germany and he himself went back to the country, his parents left". I would assume most Argentineans do not have ancestry in Germany so no reason to assume that if you only know they are from Argentina
This way it doesn't make much sense. Germans flew to Argentina, not the other way around. And quite some German Jews flew there too so it could still be both
Post before you leave
Prime shaming in 196? Isn't 196 also a prime number?
Thinking about it, it totally makes sense and has in inherent logic, even tho it's not intuitive
I read in a famous book that 2+2=5 so I guess, it's the same here right? 2+3=5 because it's close enough
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Das Neue Testament ist ja voll von solchen Botschaften.
Auf jeden Fall! Ich finds trotzdem gut, auch Zitate aus dem Alten Testament zu nehmen, weil das dem antisemitischen Vorurteil vom bösen, jähzornigen Gott der Juden (im AT) und dem liebenden Gott der Christen (im NT) vorbeugt.
No, no, a fish fighter would be just a fisher. A fisherman is a fisher fighter according to pure logic. What you are talking about is a fishman, not a fisherman.
But don't take it personal
"You're really committed, right? You're one of the last ones who stayed."
"Good that you addressed me. Now I can finally announce I'm leaving. Bye!"