No, you don't. Unless you specifically ordered it to be built, you can funded nothing. The vast majority of landlords are investors hoarding assets. They contribute nothing to society.
Bridges are nearly always funded and owned by governments, and done so through taxes. Toll roads and bridges are a product of capitalism, using state funds to eliminate all costs and allowing profit from something the owning company never paid for (besides the bribes).
Landlords are an example of rot inherent to capitalism. The idea you are entitled to someone else's work, and are entitled to guaranteed profits. Besides actual jobs like innkeepers, it shouldn't be allowed in society.
Incorrect on all counts. Sucks you'll be in the camps and never help, all so you can jerk off to the false idea that you were right.
There's not just two sides, but you picked one of the arson parties.
It sucks you did that. But that's no one's fault but your own. Sorry kids in cages weren't enough for your bloodlust, and that accepting genocide led to your own.
We told you.
A third candidate was a possible option, yes. And there were plenty. If you vote for people they win. That's not the only option you had or will have in 2026/2028
As far as your second point, a coin flip has endless possibilities, the easiest to demonstrate is it landing in its side, rather than a face.
Exceedingly few things are binary, and those that are are rarely that way naturally and must be forced into being that way.
No, troll, I was encouraging a third party in order to prevent this from happening under either fascist president.
You can fuck off.
We are, hope you enjoy the camps you voted for. I mean you just voted too put others in those camps, so, I hope you enjoy what you damned others to.
A little fire that no one is putting out and a big fire you can't put out have the same effect.
It's still arson. It still kills and destroys. Choosing either makes you a monster.
Because your self righteous circlejerk disgusts me. Your 'side' uses and expands on the decisions of the other 'side,' all to the detriment of everyday people. You're not better than them, you don't have better intentions, you're not good people. At best id hope you people start building bridges, work together with your neighbors, organize.
But that's not who you are. You're the lesser evil, not the good guys. You'll circlejerk each other with whatever scraps of 'at least we're not magats or commies hurr durr' you manage to spit out right until you're liquidated in camps; instead of doing anything good.
And honestly that'd be fine, but you're so loud about it.
Which part? Oh right you must be talking about the number of prisoners in the us which peaked under Biden, or the number of border concentration camps which peaked under Biden, or the number of deported immigrants which peaked under Biden.
Were arguing this point because you're objectively wrong.
The lesser evil is not good, it's evil. Good is not less evil than evil, it's not evil.
It's not a spectrum. Its a different option. Beef is not less poultry than turkey, it is beef.
You just repeated the claim in this comment.
The good option for magas is Trump, their less evil option is Biden, the evil option would have been a competent third party or a protest or literally anything but voting.
The good option for people that aren't evil was doing anything to stop either Harris or Trump from taking office. Anything at all. Treason is the better option than voting for either destruction of the US people.
The fact you don't understand that nothing in life is binary is how were arguing this right now. Good is not the lesser evil, it is good. The lesser evil is still just evil.