If you have a specific PS1 model it apparently has very good audio capabilities.
Judge looks for big booba
That PowerPC programming doujinshi is something else
Alsamixer has a curses ui and can be used, set the audio to the desired level and enter 'sudo alsactl store' to save your audio levels. This affects all your input and outputs so adjust your speakers volume there then save it along with your mic.
It's made by the company that made Nikke, not any Sony studio.
I would say it's seemless on Windows, not Linux.
Upload the error log?
mpv twitchurl
I switched over to pipewire for my audio nearly 2 years a go and had 0 problems migrating from pluse to pipewire in Arch btw. You'll be running an even newer version so it will be just be a drop in replacement and the worst you'll have to do is restart the pipewire service when you install it or just reboot.
Why would you need to move to Firefox when you're using Librewolf? You're just confusing yourself, you don't have to since it's already a fork of Firefox.