What you're saying is "descriptive method names aren't a substitute for knowing how the code works." That's once again just a basic fact. It's not "hiding," it's "organization." Organization makes it easier to take a high level view of the code, it doesn't preclude you from digging in at a lower level.
You can't disagree with the fact that Nullable works a lot like an Option. Returning an error is not idiomatic C# code (which would be to throw an exception usually) but if you wanted that, you'd use a Result<T, TError> type or similar.
It's okay, I don't take it personally. It's just such an odd thing.
Null pointers are one thing, C# nulls (with nullable reference types enabled) are another. They behave a lot like an Option monad with the caveat that the static analysis can technically be tricked by incorrect hints.
No, your argument is equally applicable to all methods. The idea that a method hides implementation details is not a real criticism, it's just a basic fact.
Eddie Bauer and Carhartt are my go-tos. Both carry tons of tall sizes. Wrangler has some too and may be cheaper.
I wish people wouldn't. I don't. I think a polite "excuse me" is fine after sneezing, I don't want to be blessed.
The unknot is like the knot-theoretic equivalent of 1. Not the most exciting number but hardly useless.
No, not "almost every modern developer thinks inheritance is just bad." They recognize that "prefer composition over inheritance" has merit. That doesn't mean inheritance is itself a bad thing, just a situational one. The .NET and Java ecosystems are built out of largely object-oriented designs.
You realize this is just an argument against methods?
One of the few things I can be pedantic about, so I must...
topologically equivalent
Ambient isotopic in R^3, which is much stronger than homeomorphic, which is the usual notion of topological equivalence. Yet easier to understand intuitively, because ambient isotopy classes are basically just "what you can do with a rubber band."
You're making assumptions about the control flow in a hypothetical piece of code...