Such a virulent post
This is a pet peeve of mine, but no. All three words forlorn (English), verloren (Dutch), and verloren (German) have the same origin, but none derive from another.
Is this a joke abour East Slavic languages?
This is what happens if you let criminals choose the sentence
Also, Tarot is also a completely normal card game like Skat--nothing wrong with that
Which country?
I don't know why there are so many pictures of pets in this thread, but I'm upvoting them all
What does it mean in Czech?
Yep, and Matlab too I think
Call your Belgian friends again, they'll be happy to tell you that summer has arrived in Belgium too. And gone again by now.
But why are the boys not colored with a picture of their surroundings?
What was the command again for having such nicely colored output?