Talk to him about your worries. If he cares about you then that should not be a problem at all! Sex is about mutual pleasure and intimacy so there are hundreds of ways going there.
Definitely. I can't imagine how exciting it must be!
oh, if this is your first pic I am terrified what would be next! absolutely gorgeous:)
Oh wow, nice! I wish I had such high level of self-esteem! Or maybe I do but kink mechanism makes it looking like I don't? No idea. Anywya, I do cum fast and in silence, with an embarrassement on my face. As much as I love seeing and laughing at someone's else "one pump action" I do not enjoy it myself. I prefer a little smirk and and a direct order to make the other person cum in any other way.
I did watch your "records" and oh boy, you indeed cum absurdaly quick :D Even I can last a bit longer! Feel free to message me if you want to.
Thanks for sharing! I don't complain about my sexual life (eating pussy is a neccessity) I rather try to disarm my kink:)
For me it always has been a face. I like to cum anywhere they want but if I could choose there will be their face (or mouth).
It is clearly seen that you have a playful personality :>
The pleasure is all mine!
What a lovely view!
She looks stunningly! Both dress and her tits are very nice!