I don't live in a shithole, so nothing.
Where are my Rogers home internet customers at? 🇨🇦
Server-side paywalling? Everything old is new again.
St. Thomas and particularly Gladys Cafe, especially if you like hot sauce.
As for the difference, there's a lot more Learned Helplessness in the Republic of Gilead than there is in, say, northern Europe. 🤷♂️
Why do things need to improve, generally speaking?
Would bookmark folders suffice for organizing?
Or go retro and have a tree of bookmarks as an unordered list, with the top level of the tree as the folders or categories.
It influences folks subconsciously, which in legal proceedings with a significant public relations component, is powerful and effective. It's even better to influence people without their conscious awareness that it's happening. And yes, some folks aren't taken in by it, but a surprising number are. It would be tantamount to legal malpractice not to advise your client to try. 🙄
Jag känner igen en hel del av det du berättar. När jag var ung så ville jag mestadels att man låtar mig i fred. Tyvärr har många ingen aning vad man ska göra med någon "annorlunda" som de verkligen inte förstår, särskilt när de också är unga.
Jag är inte alls övertygad på att ett annat jobb kommer ge dig en bekvämmare omgivning, men du får kanske lyckas hitta folk som uppskattar dig för dina skillnader. Det hoppas jag på i alla fall.
You don't need to study axioms in order to accept them, but once you accept them, then you must accept any soundly derived conclusion from them. Belief doesn't need to be logically consistent, but knowledge does.
As for investing significant time and energy, I would say that that depends on things such as the length of the chain of reasoning or the difficulty/cost of testing a hypothesis or how closely observations match your intuition. Some knowledge is cheap to acquire, such as "the sun rises in the east", because we can observe it directly and we can clearly identify the direction of east and the sun's path in the sky is very stable from day to day.
I have drunk some decades old bottles of wine. I was worried each time that the bottle had become undrinkable, but not that it had become dangerous.
I wish you continued good luck in this regard.