Everyone will need a ID for online access... boooo....but for the kids...yeahhhhhh...will make the companies pay for it....fuck no all ISPs leave Florida and social sites block Florida. Florida is thrown back to dial up connections. Techs I know in Florida have gotten warnings if the law passes their company is leaving the state.
Yearly inspection laws need to be passed. Where the government forces landlords to actually do work and keep everything up to code.
Don't mind the prices as long as the quality is there. All of the fast food chains in my area have tanked in quality. Except for Five Guys.
Agree to debate only if they pass the border/Ukraine bill
Hope it is better then my news. Friend told me about some micro patch causing problems. Even my server host is down. Happy Monday lol
Everything else needs to moved out. It's stupid I know but the less the Ai has to think the better.
The amount of compium I see in people is scary. This was the warning. Next time could be so much worse and all I see are adults who just act like children. *EDIT Had to add so many people I use to even respect. Once they were told to many times what to do had adult temper tantrums. Acting straight out weird.
Dedicated breeding bases seem to help. The game starts to screw up more and more as you progress. I have noticed when the server tick rate plummets Pals start acting extra durpy.
A dog in a film is a real dog. It is a living breathing animal and should be cared about. If it cgi then again pixels don't care.
Games and real life are not the same. If you can't disconnect and understand the difference you have a real problem.
Never seen a dog in a video game only polygons and pixels that try to look like one. Never a issue.
It wont be a law cause they know it would fail in courts. They would do the same as with insurance companies leaving. We will start a investigation into this...and never hear about it again.