
joined 2 years ago
[–] icepuncher69 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Disney would unironically hire you as a writer since they are 100% into the same type of bottom fetish shit that you are into.

[–] icepuncher69 7 points 1 year ago

Oh yeah, fuck me too...

[–] icepuncher69 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

But... we shouldnt expect them to birth children at such young age either...

[–] icepuncher69 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You are the one that wants to be steped by castanza m8, and that its not very trad in my opinion

[–] icepuncher69 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Im not afraid of downvotes, in fact i believe that when i get mass downvoted is when i wrote something right that hits that nail that needs to be hit. And no i dont call them bees, i called the wasps (lol).

[–] icepuncher69 20 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Any new people here dont listen to this one, it stenches of hard cope.

We have a lot of bassed people and not based people, people that take critisism and people that dont, we have tankies and actual communists, we have american leftists and non american leftists, we have centrists and people that hate centrists, we have people that whant to get to the truth of things and people that just whants to circlejerk. And you have idiots like me that are masochistic by hitting the wasps nest and get stung a fuck ton of times but still come back fore more and we have the people that are the wasps.

Pick wathever you like and have fun, but not like this guy is doing, this is the oposite of fun, just check out the downvotes im gonna get.

[–] icepuncher69 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Im just gonna copy and paste another comment i already made about that:

Yes thats all true, im aware that not everyone whants or even needs to pursue innovation and that is good, not everybody is steve jobs nor james cameron nor they should be, but it does become a problem when they copy way to much, like for example disney movies, How many movies have had a main character become grumpy because they lost a loved one? Im talking indiana jhones, luke skywalker, han solo, obi wan and nick fury i hear even if i hadnt really seen their series and i heard that in hounted mansion movie too, hell two of those are the same actor.

They are just copying what has worked in the past ( i think its the Logan movie they are copying but im not sure) and made products with doubius quality while burning thons of money without making any of it back, specially with indiana jhones wich seems to be the biggest bomb ever.

They could have used all those billions into making something good or just straight up donate it to charity, or just spend it in something with a better return of investnent like heroin, but they thrown it from a bridge chasing trends, making no bodies lifes better nor happier and probably had an impact on the market somehow, even though fuck the market, but a lot of people other than the super rich do eat from it.

Or at least thats my perspective on this. Again sorry for the length.

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Im just gonna copy and paste another comment i already made about that:

Yes thats all true, im aware that not everyone whants or even needs to pursue innovation and that is good, not everybody is steve jobs nor james cameron nor they should be, but it does become a problem when they copy way to much, like for example disney movies, How many movies have had a main character become grumpy because they lost a loved one? Im talking indiana jhones, luke skywalker, han solo, obi wan and nick fury i hear even if i hadnt really seen their series and i heard that in hounted mansion movie too, hell two of those are the same actor.

They are just copying what has worked in the past ( i think its the Logan movie they are copying but im not sure) and made products with doubius quality while burning thons of money without making any of it back, specially with indiana jhones wich seems to be the biggest bomb ever.

They could have used all those billions into making something good or just straight up donate it to charity, or just spend it in something with a better return of investnent like heroin, but they thrown it from a bridge chasing trends, making no bodies lifes better nor happier and probably had an impact on the market somehow, even though fuck the market, but a lot of people other than the super rich do eat from it.

Or at least thats my perspective on this. Again sorry for the length.

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Cmon m8, with all due respect dont be debating semantics.

Of course there are diferences in the burgers and the entities that sell them, after all they are not made by the same people, the idea is the same in the product, and a chicken burger is not really a concept that should be judged with it being original or not, kinda like oatmeal or hooks or screws, like of course there are diferences, but that wasnt the point this dumb meme was trying to make, it was that companoes just copy each other in the pursuit for endless revenue and dont like totake risks in products that could make peoples lifes better, thats what its trying to say, now what it acctually says its that "capitalism bad cuz same chicken burger junk food" and ends up falling on its face and looking more like an "old man yells at cloud" kinda deal, but instead of a clowd its chicken burgers and instead of old man is a young snowflake.

[–] icepuncher69 1 points 1 year ago

I said the one its trying to make, not the one it ends up making.

The one it ends up making its just the example i gave earlier, that being "Young snowflake yells at chicken burger"

[–] icepuncher69 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes thats all true, im aware that not everyone whants or even needs to pursue innovation and that is good, not everybody is steve jobs nor james cameron nor they should be, but it does become a problem when they copy way to much, like for example disney movies, How many movies have had a main character become grumpy because they lost a loved one? Im talking indiana jhones, luke skywalker, han solo, obi wan and nick fury i hear even if i hadnt really seen their series and i heard that in hounted mansion movie too, hell two of those are the same actor.

They are just copying what has worked in the past ( i think its the Logan movie they are copying but im not sure) and made products with doubius quality while burning thons of money without making any of it back, specially with indiana jhones wich seems to be the biggest bomb ever.

They could have used all those billions into making something good or just straight up donate it to charity, or just spend it in something with a better return of investnent like heroin, but they thrown it from a bridge chasing trends, making no bodies lifes better nor happier and probably had an impact on the market somehow, even though fuck the market, but a lot of people other than the super rich do eat from it.

Or at least thats my perspective on this. Again sorry for the length.

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