Finally we reached the stage of you throwing shit on the wall in the hope something sticks. 1810.02865
Published by team working for Bangladeshi Nuclear energy providers and reads a bit like a promotion piece. It is cited nowhere but I'm sure their employer/customer was happy.
Please explain the relevance pertaining to this discussion.
Way better than your 1st article but still drives on assumed probabilities. ... /science.254.5038.1603
This article is by psychologists. Relevance?
Assuming you did some research on this (who am I kidding though) you should have found at per each article you find that claims storage is safe you'll find at least 2 incidents disproving that. If you'll look at the corresponding Wikipedia page you'll find these are mostly in developed countries or where they can be detected by developed countries. Surely this is just coincidence and not the tip of the proverbial iceberg...
I could drown you with links & articles of better scientific provenience but since that would be pointless I'd like to point out another fact to consider that doesn't get discussed enough:
At current (nuclear energy) consumption level the global stockpile of fissionable material is estimated to provide energy for another 230 years. That seems a lot and would buy us and a couple of future generations time. Until you factor in Germany and others stopping all efforts to implement renewables, emerging countries doing the same and also the rising demand for electricity which is estimated to drive up current nuclear energy consumption by 20. Suddenly that lengthy period of 230 years is gone..
Fission and fossile both rely on finite consumables. All energy providers have pollution associated with them. Out of these however only renewable get their energy from the sun which is good for another couple of billion years. So the only option is to go all in on renewables.
Yes, at the very least Germany should have started decades ago but Germans decided they'd like a conservative Government for most of the past 40 years.
2 x No it isn’t. I know you love your precious precious nuclear to death and back and you really really need to discuss coal to better shill for it. Nobody cares about your religion and your straw man.